Thursday, July 22, 2021

Re: The Fall of the Bundist Movement

Statement by the Pink Purple Girl


My name is the Pink Purple Girl. I am a proud and founding member of the Arizona Rebellion. The Arizona Rebellion is a declaration of War on Midnight Productions. We have only one Squatter House left. About half of us originally come from Mothers and Fathers in the Police force. The Police are the enemies of Humanity. Those who speak of reforming the Police are the enablers of the Police State. Antifa Action must now come as the manifestation of a full and ongoing Popular Insurrection.

On the date of July 19, 2021 my Comrade wrote for this Blog. He made complaints which are very common complaints amongst many Anarchists. I am going to flush this out further. Anarcho Syndical Boy is a founding member of the Arizona Rebellion. Before anything else can be explained I may have to explain the rash behavior of Anarcho Syndical Boy. Anarcho Syndical Boy's boyfriend died on July 17, 2021 the details of which he does not want anyone talking about. I want to make it clear that the Arizona Rebellion works in Solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld as much as Comrade Net. But it is true that only Comrade Net has the qualifications to speak on behalf of the Bundist Movement line. I  myself   just like the rest of the Arizona Rebellion hold a lot of grievances towards both Dr. Weizfeld and Dona Newman but there is no denunciations here. I also wish to express my love for Jason Unruhe, the Obnoxious Anarchist, the Engelsist, Connor Gillis (my Sister in Power Elizabeth), DaStonedSoviet, the falcone general (also my Sister in Power) and Darksnovia for being as solid as you all have been. I saw the stream Comrade Net did with DaStonedSoviet. I want to say that DaStonedSoviet is my brother and my fellow Lumpen Warrior. I will explain in better details our grievances and appeals to Dr. Weizfeld but it may take me a while to get to it, Anarcho Syndical Boy was rather correct in his criticisms but he does not grasp who Dr. Weizfeld is and he only has about over-half of a grasp on who Dona Newman is as a person. It should be noted that the Arizona Rebellion was formed in solidarity towards the Bundist Comrades and Marxist Comrades that had been murdered in 2019. I will write more but to be perfectly honest with everyone who reads our blog, it will take me at least three days to write a detailed article that clarifies our complaints towards Dr. Weizfeld. In the mean time I really hope Dr. Weizfeld sees this. 
On behalf of the Arizona Rebellion --- I the Pink Purple Girl apologize to Dr. Weizfeld.

Monday, July 19, 2021

The Fall of the Bundist Movement

Archive by Anarcho Syndical Boy 

Comrade Net has been placating to Dr. Weizfeld's elitism for more than ten years. Comrade Net still claims this is bogus and he still insults us by defending Dr. Weizfeld. Comrade Net holds to a Jewish Mass Line that exists outside of the USA but whenever anyone attempts to explain this to Dr. Weizfeld he rejects this immediately. Dr. Weizfeld only speaks for himself not the Jewish People. Net does speak for the Jewish People because unlike Dr. Weizfeld  it is Comrade Net that really was the forerunner to explaining what Jewishness and Judaism is in a political context. Dr. Weizfeld gives a weak nebulous context to Jewishness and Judaism. Several years have gone by, throughout these years I have witnessed Dr. Weizfeld verbally degrade Comrade Net on the phone. Comrade Net preaches that Westerners have Stockholm syndrome even though Net has a lot more Stockholm syndrome than anyone. Comrade Net's emulation of Dr. Weizfeld is Stockholm syndrome. I can't even say this to Comrade Net without him freaking out and doubling down on his weak apologisms for Dr. Weizfeld.

Let us take a look at the damage Dona Newman has done. What you are looking at is Dona Newman replying to herself. Seems that the years of guilt have finally gotten to her. She has been making Net look foolish as she made herself look wiser, she has been doing this for years. I have always had a feeling of distrust around Dona Newman. I am not claiming that she made no contributions rather that I wish to finally warn people about this dangerous Jersey Woman. Comrade Net is not my Boss. I will tell the truth regardless of who this offends.
Dona Newman hasn't fixed anything with this. She also made a bunch of typos. So much for her preachy grammar and spelling lectures. Dona Newman should not be part of anything.
According to Dona Newman's definition of self-hating Jewry she falls into this category.
Before I continue to give commentary to Dona Newman's declarations of self-importance let me point out that the reason that Jason Unruhe was never really cancelled was because of Comrade #3 and all the other Patriotic Socialists. Comrade Net deserves full credit for bringing Dr. Weizfeld out to the discourse of the far left. Dona Newman played no role in protecting platforms that care about the Ghettos of the USA.
I along with all the other members of the Arizona Rebellion consider every statement by Dona Newman here to be disingenuous.
The Federated MLM Cadres have every right to be upset with Dona Newman and Dr. Weizfeld. Dr. Weizfeld completely betrayed Panther C.O.D.E and the Arizona Rebellion both.

This language she chooses here is the language of a person who has lost her mind. Her apologies mean nothing. Adbl Irshad's sister can no longer provide protection. Dona Newman was seen outside the House she was safe in throwing away a bunch of damaged pieces of a Computer. After this Comrade Matthew Stevon put down a lot of money to rent Hostels that PSFM can not afford. The reason that the Pink Purple Girl is being payed for as much as Dona Newman in these Hotels is because Dona needs a Bodyguard. The Pink Purple Girl is taking care of Dona Newman now. Dona Newman should not be the responsibility of Pinks. We only have one Squatter House left, Newman means nothing to me.

Actually only Dona Newman finds Comrade Net so mean. She speaks for herself only.
She trivializes the slogan upheld by World Jewry, Marxists and Anarchists. Then she basically says "sorry" as a way of taking it back. Comrade Net did nothing wrong. Dona Newman is a manipulator. Dr. Weizfeld is upset that Comrade Net is trusted by Anarchists with the USA as well as outside the USA. Just like the Trotskyists the only thing Dr. Weizfeld cares concerning Anarchists is to tokenize us like a Trotskyist would. Dr. Weizfeld is the kind of person that fails to realize that he is an Ivory Tower Elitist. Just because he would object to being called Elitist does not mean his objections could ever be recognized. PHDs are inherently Elitist. Dona Newman could have removed her slanderous pieces but she refused to do so. So it is a duty to dethrone her. I will be holding a meeting concerning Dona Newman with the rest of the Arizona Rebellion. Dona Newman is extremely selfish and individualistic.
Shortly after this Comrade Net's children were doxxed by people in the Fandom Menace. BLevel would slander Comrade Net shortly after Jason Unruhe exposed him with the help of The Engelsist. Dr. Weizfeld has no understanding. He even gagged Comrade Net from finishing the public Videos explaining what the Bundist Movement line was. The commandism of Dr. Weizfeld still puts us all in danger.
Darksnovia is deserving of respect. Dona Newman only deserves contempt.
On the day that Mason Steiner returns from his work on the great lakes he will most likely demand that Dona Newman be expelled from all political organization, at least that is what I hope will happen. I found out that Mason Steiner was trying to help give us mutual aid. Dona Newman is the enemy of The People just as much as BLevel.
Comrade Net mistook BLevel for a friend. This is what it is.
Calling Dr. Weizfeld a fascist is slander. Dona Newman is jealous of both Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld. Someone who engages in this much political wrecking due to jealousy should not be allowed anywhere within radical leftist politics. However at the same time Academics are corrupt at their roots. To assume that Dr. Weizfeld is immune to this corruption is equivalent to assuming that the Queen of England will renounce her thrown because of peaceful protest. 

Actually by the Rite of the Street Oaths it is Dr. Weizfeld and Dona Newman who we declare (the International Federation of Maoists and Anarchists) have no right to speak when only Comrade Net separated his own Ego from the Bundist Movement line. Before these Bundist Chapters can truly move forward Comrade Net needs to put out at least ten different Bundist Movement videos, explaining what the Bundist Movement line is. Dr. Weizfeld is out of line. Dona Newman is even more out of line. Comrade Net has managed to keep Panther C.O.D.E around but this will fail if Dr. Weizfeld keeps up the Elitism. In order for these new Bundist Chapters to stay united they kinda need the same Theory. Such a theory is in the pieces of the Bundist Manifesto yet to be published by Dr. Weizfeld. Once he sees just how much the Martyrs held much of the same views as Comrade Net the only course of action that Dr. Weizfeld will take is denouncing Comrade Net and the Bundist Martyrs. I have even gathered that Dr. Weizfeld thinks that the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was a Jewish Marxist-Leninist Organization even though the Bundist Movement was actually Demarchist. Comrade Net of course rejects this due to his blind political spots he has concerning Dr. Weizfeld. The new Bundist chapters by principle-rite are welcome to debate and dispute the Bundist Manual Manifesto just as Marxists debate and dispute The Communist Manifesto but if the line from the Bundist Movement that ran from 2009 to 2019 is not explained by Comrade Net in these Videos then it will mean the end of Bundism. Comrade Net saved Bundism. Dr. Weizfeld was boycotted before Comrade Net stepped in. If in any way Dr. Weizfeld rejects this he is showing himself as an opposer of overdue mutual aid. Comrade Net is the one that made it impossible for Anarchists, Marxist-Leninists, Maoists and Third Worldists to reject National-Cultural Autonomy not Dona Newman not Dr. Weizfeld. We are publishing a Manifesto for Anarchism and we already know Dr. Weizfeld will attack it because of our principles that Comrade Net adopted from us. Comrade Net finishing the Bundist Movement message on YouTube is mutual aid to the Arizona Rebellion and Panther C.O.D.E both of whom trust Comrade Net.

There never was any democratic centralism in the Bundist Movement only the commandism of Dona Newman. To this day Comrade Net is challenging the validity of democratic centralism. The five Bundist Martyrs were no different.

What Dona Newman is not explaining is that she modeled the Bundist Movement after the Mexica Movement. The theory and application of what makes the Vanguard Circle is on one of the PDF files that Comrade Net is suppose to give to Dr. Weizfeld. Olin Tezcatlipoca was the founder of the Mexica Movement yet if anyone person could be called the personification of the Mexica Movement itself, only Citlalli Citalmina Anahuac can be said to have been the personification of the Mexica Movement. When it comes to the Bundist Movement it was Dona Newman who truly established it. But it was Dr. Weizfeld who was declared foundational by both Comrade Net and Dona Newman. Also it has been Comrade Net this entire time that carried the Bundist Movement. The five Bundist Martyrs were all hand picked by Comrade Net. The five Bundist Martyrs had differing opinions on several issues yet they reached a synthesis which Dona Newman hates, Dr. Weizfeld ignores and Comrade Net safeguards. Just as the fall of the Mexica Movement is the fault of Olin Tezcatlipoca. It was Citlalli Citalmina Anahuac who carried the Mexica Movement, when she left everyone else began to leave.
At least she clarified this. Comrade Net hates Trotskyism yet loves Trotsky. Dona Newman understands Trotsky and even developed further theory of Trotsky's Permanent Revolution, yet Dona Newman hates both Trotsky and Trotskyism. Dona Newman's hate towards Trotsky and Trotskyism is the only common ground the Arizona Rebellion really has with her. The Bundist Movement was a Global Movement stationed in Quebec and Arizona and technically Nablus as well. Dr. Weizfeld uncritically supports Trotskyism and takes a uncritical view of Trotsky himself. Trotsky was very aristocratic and egurocentric, facts ignored by Dr. Weizfeld the Trotskyist who pretends to be a Bundist for reasons of theoretical convenience. Everything that Dona Newman points out concerning the Bundist Movement is accurate. Dona Newman should have made these clarifications known much sooner.
The Bundist Movement was the Vanguard of the Jewish Proletariat Worldwide the old Bundist HQ in Arizona received mail from Jewish Mizrahim and Jewish Blacks and Jewish LGBTQ+ who are disenfranchised, most of them outside the USA. Dr. Weizfeld does not care about any of the Demarchists he is too busy trying to co-opt Anarchists which is again a Trotskyist thing. Dona Newman insults the intelligence of everyone by acting like Dr. Weizfeld cares about any of this. She further insults everyone by pretending that she gives a shit herself.
The only thing I can say about this is that both Dr. Weizfeld and Dona Newman care only about their own clout.
Comrade Net is not a jerk. The apology here is just as worthless as all her other apologies.
Dona Newman is pathetic. Everything here is pathetic. 
Dona Newman shows her jealously over both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net. Pathetic!
It is true that Dr. Weizfeld will never stop scapegoating Comrade Net and that Dona Newman is jealous that Comrade Net is a father and that Dr. Weizfeld fucked up everything by contacting both the FBI and the ADL. But for Dona Newman to even act like she cares is very insulting.
Stan Heller is a liar, anyone who associates with that racist COINTELPRO is either a willing participate of NATO or a fool. I consider Dr. Weizfeld to be a Bureaucratic Elitist and Foolish Daydreamer and Adventurist. This is my take on him. I don't watch Max Blumenthal much but Dr. Weizfeld's irrational hatred of Max Blumenthal is the most suspect thing about him. It is sad that Anarchists like my self are labeled as Adventurist when it is individualists like Dr. Weizfeld who is an actual Adventurist. 
Dona Newman is much worse than Dr. Weizfeld. At least Dr. Weizfeld has helped a lot of people all Dona Newman ever did was write theory.

I will never forgive Dona Newman for any of this. Dr. Weizfeld is a much more complex matter.I will now go over the basics of the Bundist Movement line, Dr. Weizfeld's line, Dona Newman's line and Comrade Net's line. 

The Bundist Movement line

The Bundist Movement line and the Bundist Movement theory was not a Jewish American theory it was a World Jewish theory which only Comrade Net is qualified to speak about. Entire parts of this Bundist Movement theory has been adopted by Panther C.O.D.E but the very parts of this theory that have been accepted by Panther C.O.D.E tend to be the very notions that Dr. Weizfeld rejects due to his reformism, russophobia and his hypocrisy. The Bundist Movement theory was Anti FBI and Anti ADL but Dr. Weizfeld does not realize that the ADL is Zionist and that it is Anti Pantherite to notify the FBI of anything. Comrade Net stills need to give PDFs to Dr. Weizfeld but this will prove difficult due to the fact that he is helping me to protect the last Squatter House that the Arizona Rebellion has. 

The entire membership of the Bundist Movement was as I list them; Dr. Weizfeld, Dona Newman, Comrade Net, Mariam Emesberg, Isaiah P. Kamatstein, Uri Adiah, Marvin Eliyahu and Hannah Toff.

These are the original agreed upon principles of the Bundist Movement as I list them also understand that the original agreed upon principles of the Bundist Movement were agreed upon by all Eight members; by taking over the Modern Orthodox Jewish institutions Zionism can loose its dictatorship over the Jewish Nation not just in the USA and Canada but much of Europe too, the old Bund was unfair to what we call today the Ultra-Orthodox, use the word Jewish instead of Jew, in plural say Jewish People or Jewry instead of Jews, make an attempt at every direction to use British spelling over American spelling, Vanguardism without democratic-centralism, using the Demarchist theories to solve the contradictions between Marxist and Anarchist theories, relentlessly challenge as well as refute the nation-state theory, to end Zionism means that Americanism must end, Neturei Karta are the leaders of the Generation, there is no Jewish race or ethnicity, the Jewish Nation is based on a cultural-religious system that is diasporic by virtue of its being, the Jewish Nation is made up of many peoples such as Ashkenazi + Sephardi + Mizrahi and more, assimilation is cultural genocide, Pantherism is correct, Revolutionary Intercommunalism is correct, Bundists and Anarchists belong to Pantherism as much as Maoists, Jewish anarcho syndicalists + Jewish anarcho collectivists + Jewish anarcho communists + Jewish trotskyists + Jewish marxist-leninists + Jewish marxist-leninist-maoists + Jewish maoist-third worldists can belong to the Bundist Movement, the mutualism of the anarchists is offensive to the Bundist Movement this problem is solved by Dr. Weizfeld's demarcho mutualism which is very clear in his book on the nations of palestinians and hebrews, classical marxism is offensive to the Bundist Movement, Leftist Populism is the worst kind of populism and it always breeds Antisemitism, the Native American groups like the Navajo as well as the Lakota constitute Noahide, the Civil Society can break the State if it opts out of the vending process of the State, Make Yiddish Great Again, seek more than just Yiddish but Ladino and Judeo-Arabic as well as every Jewish language, National-Cultural Autonomy before all else. 

The theory of the Bundist Movement was founded on all of this. What must be comprehended is that Dr. Weizfeld was living half the year in Canada and the other half of that year in Palestine six of the other members of the Bundist Movement fiercely worked to include Dr. Weizfeld. Dona Newman was the only member of the Bundist Movement who would from time to time undermine Dr. Weizfeld and hide things from him. To be a bit fair to Dona Newman everyone is reluctant to say anything to Dr. Weizfeld because he is too pushy with his views and he has a tendency towards blaming others for things they should not be blamed for. To make matters worse even if you explain that you have synthesized a contradiction in theory he will dissociate with you.

The Bundist Movement was Demarchist. The Bundist Movement was not Marxist or Anarchist. 

Dr. Weizfeld is not an Anarchist even though he pretends to be one of us a lot. Dona Newman is not an Anarchist. Comrade Net is not an Anarchist although he adopts a lot of our theories. Mariam Emesberg was not an Anarchist. Isaiah P. Kamatstein was not an Anarchist. Hannah Toff was originally Anarchist before she became a Bundist only then to become a Bundist who was also a Marxist-Leninist. Uri Adiah was not an Anarchist. Marvin Eliyahu was not an Anarchist.

Comrade Net is not a Marxist. Comrade Net is a Bundist of the advanced degree. I wish that Comrade Net was an Anarchist but he is not despite being the Bundist with the closest similarities to Anarchism. Comrade Net borrows heavily from Marxism-Leninism-Maoism yet over all Comrade Net rejects Marxism as flawed at the root. Comrade Net is also the one who made Dr. Weizfeld more popular. 

Dr. Weizfeld is a Marxist pretending to be a Bundist most of the time and an Anarchist the rest of the time. Dr. Weizfeld upholds Trotskyism which is the reason for his Elitism. 

Mariam Emesberg was not a Marxist. She actually helped the other Bundists understand Demarchism. Demarchism is based on several things but it is also a challenge to Marxism and Anarchism. The strongest root to Demarchist theories is the old Bund. Mariam Emesberg was actually very insightful to many of us Anarchists. Mariam was a old-time friend of Comrade Net, the two of them talked to each other like lovers without all the Sex, it is hard to explain.

Isaiah P. Kamatstein was not a Marxist. Although it is true that Isaiah embraced Pantherism he none the less refused to be a Marxist this is in spite of a lot of agreements he had with Marxism-Leninism-Maoism very similar to Comrade Net. Whenever Comrade Net tried to explain theoretical details to Black Maoists it was Isaiah that would back Comrade Net the strongest. Dona Newman toyed with the idea of using the Sanders Campaign to platform the Bundist Movement but she would see how stupid this was. Comrade Net had mixed feelings about tolerating voting for anyone. Then Dr. Weizfeld started pressuring everyone to vote Sanders. Mariam Emesberg, Uri Adiah, Marvin Eliyahu and Hannah Toff almost left the Bundist Movement but it was then Isaiah who would placate to Dr. Weizfeld and everyone else in the Bundist Movement because he wanted everyone kept together and obviously Comrade Net had a hand in that. He was part of Reconstructionalist Judaism in fact he was a Rabbi for Reconstructionalist Judaism.

Hannah Toff was a Marxist-Leninist synthesized with Demarchist ideas. She was sharp and she tried very hard to understand Dr. Weizfeld, she tried to understand Dr. Weizfeld because Comrade Net wanted her to understand Dr. Weizfeld. Hannah Toff and Comrade Net together organized a lot of self defense marches. Hannah Toff never talked down to me even though she saw Anarchism as uninspired and too eurocentric she was in many ways the opposite of Dr. Weizfeld. Although she a Marxist-Leninist she refused to call herself a Communist. Before she died she called herself a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and Bundist still refusing to call herself a Communist. She was part of Conservative Judaism.

Uri Adiah was a Marxist-Leninist synthesized with Demarchist ideas. He was a Mizrahi Jew. He had several ties to Syrian Jews living in Syria (all of whom supported Assad and rejected Zionism) it was because of Uri Adiah that many Syrian Jews living in the United States of America and Syria almost joined the Bundist Movement they refused to join as long as Dr. Weizfeld kept lying about Gas Attacks from Assad. Uri Adiah refused to call himself a Communist even though he said he was a Marxist-Leninist and a Bundist he refused to call himself Communist. Just like Hannah Toff before he died he called herself a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and Bundist still refusing to call himself a Communist. Uri Adiah was closest to Marvin Eliyahu. He was part of Reform Judaism.

Marvin Eliyahu was a Marxist-Leninist synthesized with Demarchist ideas. A very gifted Ex-Israeli he was Sephardi yet always seemed assimilated or at least he claimed that being Israeli robbed him of having a truly Sephardi upbringing. He was not just friends with Uri Adiah they were roommates and best friends. Marvin never compromised with the Americanist State as he always said that becoming a U.S Citizen at the expense of the Natives put him in a Debt to not only boycott Voting but to stop others from voting. Just like Hannah Toff and Uri Adiah before he died he called himself a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and Bundist still refusing to call himself a Communist.

Dona Newman was not a Marxist yet she has of this year of 2021 declared Marxism-Leninism-Bundism which Comrade Net rejects even more so than Anarcho Bundism. Comrade Net will to some level possibly tolerate this silly Marxism-Leninism-Bundism nonsense if Elishuva is working with Dona Newman. Elishuva lives in Texas a place very similar to Arizona in many respects. 


What was the Bundist Movement? 

What was the Bundist Movement what was it all for? These are good questions. The Bundist Movement was born in Arizona and Quebec out of necessity for a National Liberation Movement for the Jewish People. Zionism was in the way of the Jewish Nation so this is really why the Bundist Movement began. The Bundist Movement combated the lies of Jewish race and Jewish ethnicity. The lies of a Jewish ethnicity misinformed Jews as well as non-Jews. Fighting assimilation and being greater than Marxism, these are the factors that made the Bundist Movement so popular that it reached far in its influence. This influence has shifted Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in several countries. 

The Bundist Movement theorized a working template for Bundism that Dr. Weizfeld has never seen. This template theory of Bundism is rooted in Dr. Weizfeld and Dona Newman and Comrade Net furthered much by the five Bundist Martyrs who also furthered this template theory which Dr. Weizfeld technically started yet has never seen. The Vanguard Circle was a key feature of this theory. The Vanguard Circle was without democratic-centralism. Dona Newman worked hard to force democratic-centralism into the Vanguard Circle. Even though Dr. Weizfeld blames this shit on Comrade Net it was Dona Newman who really did this. It is true that Comrade Net will participate in a group that upholds democratic centralism, Comrade Net after all is a trusted organizer in several united front groups many of these united front groups uphold democratic centralism. So because Comrade Net knows how to participate in democratic centralism this now means that he pushes for democratic centralism, flawless logic from the great powerful Overlord Weizfeld.


The Bundist Movement Endgame!

The Bundist Movement Endgame that has been embraced by Panther C.O.D.E and the Arizona Rebellion was to set up a Jewish Inter-National Bund. This would operate as a genuine Headquarters for all Bundist Chapters, this way no Communist could vote them out as only Bundists would be part of this. 


Now the place favored by Comrade Net as it was the place also favored by the Bundist Martyrs as well as all potentials that would have joined the Bundist Movement is the Oblast in Russia. Many Russians already welcome this idea. Sadly it is Dr. Weizfeld who hates this idea. As for Dona Newman she told me yesterday that she does not even care anymore.

Dr. Weizfeld's contribution to the Bundist Movement! 

So did Dr. Weizfeld contribute to the Bundist Movement? Yes, without Dr. Weizfeld the Bundist Movement would not have made the advancements that they made. The Bundist Movement shook the World Federated Front of Anarchists and Maoists to their core. This was possible only because of Dr. Weizfeld. This is how Dr. Weizfeld contributed to the Bundist Movement. 

It was Comrade Net who encouraged the Jewish People's Liberation Organization's reopening as a New Bundist Chapter part of some greater Jewish Socialist Bund which is "the higher evolution of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement" in Comrade Net's own words. I oppose this, no one wants to see Center-Leftists who think that they are White to organize and shut down Anarchists saying "Emma Goldman" or any Marxist saying "Joseph Stalin" as Trotskyism is a White Ideology and Racist one too it must be rejected by all Anarchists and all Marxists. At one time Dr. Weizfeld was a Trotskyist then an Anarchist (white middle classers with a few token coloreds and first worlders what are not exploited and never were, not real Anarchists) then he became a Bundist like his mother. But I think he has reverted to Trotskyism in recent times based on his elitist behavior. Comrade Net still placates to Dr. Weizfeld not seeing the EGO that is actually driving Dr. Weizfeld.

Dona Newman's contribution to the Bundist Movement!

Dona Newman made the bulk of the Bundist Movement theory and once upon a time she really was the Solidarity Woman. 

The reimagining of Permanent Revolution theory by Trotsky taken away from the european context and given instead to the arab and north african context.  

The reimagining of Primary versus Secondary Contradiction theory by Stalin and Mao which actually pre-dates Lenin and the Bolsheviks, this re-making of 'On Contradiction by Mao was accepted by Comrade Net and the Bundist Martyrs so the simple truth is Dr. Weizfeld never got an opportunity to know it.

Dona Newman wrote two books outside of the work meant to be included in the Manual Manifesto which is were the five Bundist Martyrs and Comrade Net embraced which Dr. Weizfeld rejects without even knowing how these theories work. Dr. Weizfeld as well as Comrade Net have rights to publish Dona Newman's two books but Dr. Weizfeld will reject them upon reading them. Comrade Net agrees with these theories. Most young Jewish Lumpenproletarians who have read these books find them selves getting political for the first time. This is what attracted Black Jews to Bundism, but it was Comrade Net that kept them interested because unlike both Dr. Weizfeld or Dona Newman, Comrade Net knows what to say and what not to say to Black Jews he is more culturally aware of their sensitivities. Dr. Weizfeld barely understands Dona Newman. Otherwise Dr. Weizfeld would have known the only reason Panther C.O.D.E adopted Permanent Revolution was because of Dona Newman. Dona Newman synthesized 'Permanent Revolution with 'Primary versus Secondary Contradiction it was this which made Black Maoist Pantherites respect Bundism. What Dr. Weizfeld fails to realize is how much he offends these Black Maoist Pantherites with his pushing of Trotsky which combined with his uncritical rejection of Stalin can only be called racist. Dona Newman attracted Panther C.O.D.E to set up an Office in Arizona but it was Comrade Net who was able to get them to stand with the Bundist Movement, see just like with the Black Jews who became interested in Bundism because of Dona Newman yet stayed around to learn because of Comrade Net. All of the Black Jews that almost joined the Bundist Movement in 2018 and 2019 only decided not to join because they distrusted Dr. Weizfeld due to what they perceive as Liberal, a typically White Trotskyist, someone with the intention of trivializing Blackness, a Russophobe, an assimilated Reformist and on and on.

The Jewish Liberation Action Front is nothing like the Bundist Movement was. This is not not even Bundism, this is Marxism-Leninism-Bundism no wonder Dona Newman wants to work with Elishuva.

Comrade Net's contribution to the Bundist Movement! 

Comrade Net was the Soul of the Bundist Movement he has put all he had left into this only for him to be mutually betrayed by both Dr. Weizfeld and Dona Newman. 

What Dr. Weizfeld does not understand is that he has harmed PSFM with his elitism. 

Dr. Weizfeld does not even understand that PSFM is now making sure that Comrade Net finishes making the Bundist Movement videos. PSFM drafted the Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard as its official Bundist division. The Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard is not a Bundist Chapter nor is it the Vanguard of the Jewish Proletariat like the Bundist Movement was. 


Functions of the Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard as best I can understand them;

1. Ensure that Bundism stays Demarchist. Bundism needs to be away from Anarcho Bundism and Marxism-Leninism-Bundism.

2. The first location-choice for the Jewish Inter-National Bund to set up its main Headquarters must be the Jewish Oblast as Panther C.O.D.E and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action have suggested. 

3. Do everything possible to ensure that each Bundist Chapter builds up a Vanguard Circle. 

4. Protect the Template Theory of the Bundist Movement.

5. No Trotskyists and no Trotskyism, the Bundist Movement allowed for Jewish Trotskyists to join and we need to prevent this. 

6. Opposing Fascism means opposing Colonialism, Fascism and Radical Liberalism all with the same measure of radical action. 

7. The philosophy of Nonviolence is Stockholm syndrome. Nonviolence is only a tactic the philosophy must die. 

8. Civil Disobedience and Self Defense is a Human Right. Gun Control must be ended everywhere in the World. 

9. The theory of  Primary and Secondary is correct. The theory of Permanent Revolution is correct. These two theories don't contradict each other at all. 

10. While it is true that democratic-centralism works it is also true it leads to corruption and paranoia. Yes to Vanguardism. No to democratic-centralism. 

Dr. Weizfeld has done a lot of good work but he is a very apathetic person when it comes to working with those more informed than himself. He can not help himself. Comrade Net will not like what I have to say next but I have to say it anyways. This must be said. If this is not said than no one will know how badly Dr. Weizfeld is screwing this up for everyone. On the date of March 23, 2021 I went to Comrade Net's place of residence to talk to him about our grievances concerning both Dona Newman and Dr. Weizfeld. Comrade Net glossed over everything that I was trying to talk to him about. He was way more concerned with placating to Dr. Weizfeld. Comrade Net originally wanted to talk to Dr. Weizfeld about the details concerning the plan for the new Media outreach which can not be launched without Jason Unruhe. Jason Unruhe and Dr. Weizfeld were both going to upload Demarchist Videos pushing National-Cultural Autonomy - a Video with Comrade Shabazz X representing 'Black Nation and a Video with Comrade Sai representing 'Byzantine Catholic Nation. Comrade Net needed to talk to him about something else very important too as it had to do with May 27, 2019 but Dr. Weizfeld has to always put his EGO first. Jason Unruhe said in his Video titled 'This Documentary Will Not Be Monetized that he would upload these two Videos and because Dr. Weizfeld refuses to talk to Comrade Net until he finds all the PDFs. So things planned with Jason Unruhe were set back because the Unruhe addition to these videos were not to be the same as the Weizfeld addition to these videos, I understand why that is not something that can be said in text. Comrade Net is busy in real life doing real things away from the Computer but this matters not to Dr. Weizfeld. Comrade Net even today has made so many excuses for Dr. Weizfeld that I told Net to talk to me tomorrow. Comrade Net placates to Dr. Weizfeld this just never stops. Comrade Net even makes excuses for Dona Newman claiming that her PTSD is the espionage sort that spies go through, Net claims this was brought on by Dona Newman's years of spying on the Libria Consolidation Party using Facebook aliases. Anyway on March 23, 2021 I went to Comrade Net's place of residence to talk to him about all of the many grievances concerning both Dona Newman and Dr. Weizfeld upheld by many Anarchists and many Maoists. I tried to copy and paste all that was written between the two of them on Skype. I waited until Comrade Net left the room and then I pulled out a USB that I carry for this exact reason. I copied what I could of this terrible spat between Comrade Net and Dr. Wezfeld. So when Comrade Net came back into the room I told him "You act like an abused child when Dr. Weizfeld talks down to you" Comrade Net objected of course but I don't actually remember what he said just more excuses. So Comrade Net has no idea that I copied this thread:

Dr. Weizfeld

Theer is no such Template theory. Again, there is no such democratic centralism. My position is not yours. So speak in your Chapter's name not that of the Bund as a whole. You are not and never were the prime speaker. Only you believe that.

Comrade Net

No, even Donna hold that position. The template was what we said we would make together. And the Democratic Centralism thing has nothing to do with the template.

It was a temporary measure only. Please stop accusing me of democratic centralism.

The Template is a foundation, the 7 of us were all united in this. Your place was to challenge us and to provide insight in to the old guard position.

And the Template began with you.

The Template Theory is a combination of the 8 of us. That is the simple truth of it.

So that other Bundist formations could look back at our combined manifesto and even challange it.

Dr. Weizfeld

There was never any such mention of a Template Theory. We have a common position on Bundist identity and politics, not on political theory.

Comrade Net

Yes there was.

We did write a theory.

I am gathering all the missing pieces of the Manifesto just for that.

Dr. Weizfeld

None of the writings refer to a Template Theory.

I looking for them. Template for Bundism was written by the Martyrs.

Comrade Net

No. I did not. In fact I kept trying to talk to you about these things and you often were very busy. Not to mention that violence kept happening.

Dr. Weizfeld

You don't get it.. i don't agree with you. 


Comrade Net

what don't agree with?

why are being so hostile to me.

I look what you said as an insult, that day. My retaliation was inappropriate.

I apologize.

I know the line of the martyrs. And Donna's line.

There is an entire Template Chapter by the martyrs. And it was there wish that you would write whatever your objection to it was within the Manifesto. I am spending ALL of my time trying to find this stuff. And I will. I WILL.

That day you hung up on me. I felt insulted. I hit back too hard. I am sorry.

Please keep the emotions out of this.

I never hid anything either. If you can think back to 2019 there was a lot of danger going on and things got very scrambled. I have excluded you from nothing.

Dr. Weizfeld

Comrade Net you are speaking for his Bundist Chapter ' Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard' and not on behalf of the Jewish Socialist Bund which includes 4 Chapters; the original JPLO (Jewish People's Liberation Organization - 1989), the ACJC (Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians - 2006), Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard - 2021 (Comrade Net), Jewish Liberation Action Front - 2021 (Dona Newman).

Although you are a Stalinist, I am not.

Comrade Net

I am not a Stalinist

I am a Bundist.

I will find the chapters. That is where all of my time has been going.

listen to the audio.

you may be surprised to know this but I was asked to denounce Donna and I decided not too. Why are you denouncing me?

I considered it, but last night I decide to find a way to fix all of this.

I was under the impression that we were going to do it together.

Dr. Weizfeld

I was never presented with a Template. Since there are some pdf to be included and to be respionded to by me, then let us include them in the Manifesto- Manuel of Revolution. Do you mean to entitle those pdf files as the Manifesto? That would be confusing since there would not be a common position.

Comrade Net


Just let me dedicate all of my time to that.

Please. The Primary vs Secondary contraction was Donna's.

I just went with it.

I hope you heard the recording. As I tried very hard not to cry. Out of all the crazy things Donna wrote in that slander post, the one thing she was spot on about was how you scapegoat me.

You were never presented everything. I said this before many times.

I have not attacked you or her publicly and I won't. I and I told you that I would not.

Also I thought you said you would post Marvin's song on your channel.

Dr. Weizfeld

You had a wording that was good for the United Front name - what was it again.. United Communalist Convergence ??

Comrade Net

Can we talk, quickly?

Please Donna already went nuts for her sake and ours can I talk to you?

10 minutes.

without us yelling

Dr. Weizfeld

I have to see the pdf files.

Ok. We will talk after I find get them to you. Deal?

What was the wording you used for the united front???????????????????

Comrade Net

The United Inter-Communalist Convergence

Dr. Weizfeld


Comrade Net

actually you named it that originally

We good? I have barely slept at all. I am working all the time to find all of it. And I am working to get permissions to disclose as the martyrs quoted from books that have not been published yet?

I'm not a Stalinist.

I never touch things like Meth.

And I don't have narcissistic personality disorder.

Also, I want you to take credit for the name... United Inter-Communalist Convergence

Because you came up with that name, I just need to remember it.

Is this the second International where my group gets voted out by Lenin? That is what your tone suggests.


Dr. Weizfeld

Your group is a Chapter of the Jewish Socialist Bund and a member of The United Inter-Communalist Convergence.

Comrade Net

And it is part of The Jewish Socialist Bund

Dr. Weizfeld


Comrade Net

thank you

Dr. Weizfeld

No need to thank (i think the full line on this one did not copy and paste correctly)

Comrade Net

I see.

Keep in mind I took insult to something you said. And for the record I don't require an apology, I just would have figured that you cared enough to see that I release that you did not mean to offend me and thus I should not have insulted you.



There was more a lot more but I left after that. Dr. Weizfeld was stonewalling Comrade Net and instead of calling out Dr. Weizfeld for his commandist and racist behavior all Net could do was further placate to this eurocentric trotskyist. When a more financially stable Ashkenazi calls a Sephardi a Stalinist this can only be called racism. Trotsky was known for his racism and his willingness to say racist things about Georgians. I am going to make it clear to Panther C.O.D.E just how much Dr. Weizfeld has been holding back everyone by putting Comrade Net into a even more precarious situation than he already had been in. I have held back on this due to a worry about what Dr. Weizfeld might do or say to Comrade Net upon reading this. But my own must come first not the selfish EGO of Dr. Weizfeld. It is already July yet still we have not seen Comrade Shabazz X represent the Demarchist organization 'Black Nation nor have we seen Comrade Sai represent 'Byzantine Catholic Nation all because Dr. Weizfeld stonewalled Comrade Net. Never mind that Comrade Net has put Dr. Weizfeld before us all. Sometimes even at everyone's expense. Dr. Weizfeld is the Old Guard and he can't see that. I will be talking to the rest of the Arizona Rebellion tonight because it is time for us to directly-democratically figure out what we do now, we build this Arizona Rebellion in memory of the Bundist Movement yet it seems that we are getting co-opted by Dr. Weizfeld more and more each day.


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