Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Revisiting: The Fall of the Bundist Movement

By the Pink Purple Girl
My name is the Pink Purple Girl. Today I am fulfilling a promise to abraham Weizfeld Phd.
Before reading this. There are three blog posts which need full familiarizing otherwise this blog post will become confusing quickly. First read what I have written today on my blog Updates and Responses https://thepinkpurplegirl.blogspot.com/2024/04/updates-and-responses.html I wrote that. I hope this is starting to make sense. This second one prepares you for the third one Re: The Fall of the Bundist Movement https://communeanarchy.blogspot.com/2021/07/re-fall-of-bundist-movement.html on July 22, 2021 I also wrote this one. The third one is an angry message from Anarcho Syndical Boy. Dr. Weizfeld replied to it over the years. I took a picture of his replies to it. The picture below is some reply Dr. Weizfeld gave to this blog post The Fall of the Bundist Movement https://communeanarchy.blogspot.com/2021/07/the-fall-of-bundist-movement.html it was written by Anarcho Syndical Boy on the date of July 19, 2021. The first reply from Dr. Weizfeld is from July 14, 2022. The second reply is anonymous, this appears to also be Dr. Weizfeld, this time on April 8, 2023. After reading these three blog posts this post will make enough logic to grasp.


On the date of Tuesday, February 27, 2024 a blog post was published on this Blogspot Public Statement by Anarcho Syndical Boy https://communeanarchy.blogspot.com/2024/02/public-statement-by-anarcho-syndical-boy.html this message by Anrcho Syndical Boy must have really confused people so I will give better context. A Woman's touch is what is now needed. But first let us take a look see at Dr. Weizfeld reply on  February 28, 2024.

Comrade Net has no influence over The Commune of Anarchy's view of Dr. Weizfeld. This is why Dr. Weizfeld owes both the Arizona Rebellion and the L.A. Underground a principled apology. The idea that Comrade Net shapes our views and preconceptions of abraham weizfeld PhD is a great insult to the Arizona Rebellion. abraham Weizfeld PhD himself shapes our views and preconceptions of himself, not Net. Actually I am the only one who considers what Comrade Net says in regards to Dr. Weizfeld. The simple truth is that Dr. Weizfeld can not attract Jews to his cause. Not without other Jews helping him. But let us not confuse the subject. This post will majority defend Dr. Weizfeld. 

One of the serious grievances the Commune of Anarchy has towards Dr. Weizfeld is his ability to assume things in the most slanderous way he can. Just to Clarify is a great Video by RedPagan Nikole. RedPagan Corner: Just to Clarify confronts Kara Stokely better known as Stoned Soviet. The Convergence operating in real life primarily disengages with Dr. Weizfeld because of the Left Opportunist Stoned Soviet Kara Stokely. Kara Stokely has been using her Internet connections to slander Comrade Net as being the Puppet Master controlling Darksnovia, Jason Unruhe the Maoist Rebel, Luke Dublin the Engelsist, Steve Struggle, everyone in Panther C.O.D.E, Maxwell Glover, Revolutionary Lumpen Radio, Comrade Confucius and Neo-Jacobin. Dr. Weizfeld seems like a Narcissist because he shows traits in common with actual Narcissists like Kara Stokely. Someone I used to respect. RedPagan Corner: Just to Clarify is a Video further clarifying her words from a previous Video RedPagan Corner: Response to the Commune of Anarchy's Official Statement which Dr. Weizfeld being somewhat clueless to the context gives his two cents. The picture below really gives Dr. Weizfeld's disconnection away.

Dr. Weizfeld shows off his ignorance of the situation. The Arizona Rebellion is closing due to lack of mutual aid as we have required it. Stoned Soviet's democratic centralism and her manipulation by use of the ignorance of several individuals has been weaponized against the Homeless. She talks a big Lumpen Holier Than Tho game but is hostile to actual Lumpen Cadres. I know about this first hand when I attempted to force her to keep her word on a stream she was on with Darksnovia. I suspect that Kara Stokely might be actively manipulating Dr. Weizfeld. Kara Stokely has been actively lying about other people including one of her former co-hosts. The Manual for Revolution has been held back. Dr. Weizfeld thinks that any Website having the Manual will always have it. I can not take such a leap of blind faith. Physical copies are needed. We don't typically have the Internet Access we are enjoying today. Many of us have to lay low, very low away from sight. We can not always get to the Library. Dr. Weizfeld does not understand our struggles nor does he seem to care about how counter revolutionary Kara Stokely has become. Despite all these flaws I am going to do my best to clarify both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net. We refuse to meet with anyone other than RedPagan and Darksnovia. That is even if we have the time for it now. We have three Anarchist Theory and Praxis Books which we still hope to have published by Jason Unruhe. 


Main Discourse  

Anarcho Syndical Boy was very emotional when he wrote this. From the point of view of Anarcho, Comrade Net suffers from a type of Stockholm syndrome, such a relationship Dr. Weizfeld is very happy to abuse as much as he possibly can. But is this really true?

This is very long. I will do my best to keep this in order for everyone reading. 


1. Is Comrade Net placating? Yes! He claims otherwise but the truth is, Comrade Net is afraid of Dr. Weizfeld attacking him for telling the truth. I have tried to call Dr. Weizfeld using Comrade Net's phone hoping to surprise the Chairman of the Bundist Movement. Never has Dr. Weizfeld ever answered. Bad luck? Maybe. I can't really say. Don't know. But looking through texts on Net's phone when Net is not looking is not unethical when you are trying to understand what holds your Comrade back. I looked at all these back and fourths between Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld in a Bundist Vanguard Chat. Dr. Weizfeld showed off a lot of memory loss to the point of it appearing as slander. This caused me to read the back and forth between the two of them in Net's personal chat to Dr. Weizfeld. I conclude that whatever Dr. Weizfeld's actual issue is, it is something he refuses to explain to us. I will not explain the context because I decide not to replicate the strife which my Comrade Anarcho Syndical Boy has been known to cause between Dr. Weizfeld and the Arizona Rebellion.    


2. This part does not need much from me. You can see how Dona Newman is rather erratic.


3. Dona Newman was panicked that the world would come to know how reactionary she is. I have spent the most amount of time with her. She has lost all sense of logic. The last blog posts on Jewish Labour Bund are terrible. Full of panic from Ms. Newman. I don't find joy in making clear that Dona brought her fate upon herself. I tried to stop the kidnapping of December 26, 2023 but she kept getting us kicked out of Hotels. I am convinced that Clave is a member of the JDL. I explain the details from the blog post I wrote earlier today Updates and Responses


4. Anarcho Syndical Boy does alright so far. He points out the contradictions of Ms. Newman.


5. Comrade #3 was very important in rescuing Jason Unruhe's reputation. Somethings I hope Dr. Weizfeld can try to remember this time. The controversial term of Patriotic Socialists works in basic Demarchist Theory. This is because the Demarch dictated that Nationalism is the Ideology of the Nation-State, which is for all Demarchists, the single greatest evil in the World. Patriotism according to Demarchist Theory is Anti-Colonial Patriotism. So in Demarchist Theory the idea of New AFRIkA is Patriotic Socialism. The idea of Palestine being a Pan-Abrahamic Country fighting against Zionism and Americanism is Patriotic Socialism. Native Americans and First Nations reclaiming the lands branded USA and Canada  is Patriotic Socialism. This is all very important to the theories of Demarchism. Anarcho Syndical Boy does a fairly honest take on Dona Newman's out of place and Anti-Lumpen rhetoric. The Coexistence of National Countries, Non-National Countries and Diaspora Nations together under a Federalized Socialist Democracy is the goal of all Demarchists. This is why the most respected Demarchist to this day is Comrade #3. Comrade #3 never compromises this idea. Even the reeducating of Hebrews (Israelis) implemented by Palestinians and Diaspora Jews is a form of Patriotic Socialism. Comrade #3 was the one who asked of all the Demarchist groups to leave the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. All of them did as he asked. Comrade #3 considers the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence to be a formation which Dr. Weizfeld has no contact with.    


6. Anarcho Syndical Boy is correct. We don't consider anything Dona Newman said in her last posts to be anything but her own sad attempts to redeem her reputation. The Videos on the Channel TheBundistMovement featuring the voice of Dona Newman are not dampened by having her. Dona Newman has a strange inferiority complex. 


7. I need to seize the moment here! Both the Arizona Rebellion and Panther C.O.D.E have demanded that Dr. Weizfeld step down as Chairman of the Revolution and stick exclusively to Bundism. But the L.A. Underground only demanded Dr. Weizfeld be suspended by Luke Dublin. All three L.A. Underground, the Arizona Rebellion and Panther C.O.D.E demand that Comrade Net retire immediately. I know that Comrade #3 disagrees with disposing Comrade Net from politics until he is ready. Comrade #3 wished Comrade Net and all other Demarchists would leave the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence which is exactly what happened. But the L.A. Underground, the Arizona Rebellion and Panther C.O.D.E would all demand Comrade Net to just retire from all politics. Besides it is obvious to everyone, Comrade Net hates politics. I may on an individual level disagree with Net retiring, I am having second thoughts. After seeing two Videos on TheBundistMovement one last night called The Bund, Jewishness, Judaism and Membership and one this morning called CENSORED I am not so sure I want to see Net retire just yet. Without Comrade Net the very idea of Bundism is just not something digestible. The Global Revolutionary Shining Path, the Internationalist Resistance Guard, Panther C.O.D.E, Third World Liberation and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action do not agree with the L.A. Underground, the Arizona Rebellion and Panther C.O.D.E which is something Anarcho Syndical Boy did not mention at all in his Public Statement which he made on behalf of the entire Commune of Anarchy. 


8. I don't think I have much to write on the contrary to what Anarcho Syndical Boy has written here.


9. I don't think that Dr. Weizfeld knows how to distinguish between slander and criticism. 


10. Obviously Dr. Weizfeld is not a Trotskyist.


11. I get the impression that Dr. Weizfeld has control issues. This can happen to the best of Activists and Revolutionaries. Dr. Weizfeld as far as I know is unaware that the MRN Network never fulfilled the promises which they sold to us. It was exclusively Stoned Soviet who made sure that not a single promise was kept. Darksnovia gave a correct criticism of Stoned Soviet, this was praised by some and rejected by others. But then he removed it. We are among those who are still angry that Darksnovia removed that criticism Video. Darksnovia has promises to keep. So does Net, which is another reason why I stand outnumbered by fellow Anarchist Comrades, I am not sure I agree with that anymore. I have to also admit that what Net puts up from Dr. Weizfeld is something no one should have to put up with. I have to also admit that Comrade Weizfeld is in his own impossible situation. Without Dr. Weizfeld we would not be known. I think I am having second thoughts about Comrade Weizfeld too. He should remain as Chairman of the Convergence but he should have an advisory person to help him stay in reality. The Woman for this job is RedPagan Nikole. Unfortunately no one in the Arizona Rebellion agrees with me.      


12. Mason Steiner better known as RedScare TV had led the Arizona Rebellion to think that he was coming here with reinforcements. RedScare TV is another Left Opportunist. Actually dear Mason is both a Left Opportunist and a Right Opportunist. Luke Dublin the Engelsist has proven this more than once. 


13. BLevel needs to be called out for Doxing Comrade Net's family. This leads into other details. Street Cadres look for representation from Online Streamers. BLevel pretended to be such a Streamer. But in all likelihood BLevel is a Fascist. We are still waiting for the former MRN members to do as they said. Comrade Net's placating to Stoned Soviet is anti-Lumpen behavior.


14. This is accurate. Only Comrade Net separated his own Ego. This is to a fault though. Sometimes we wonder if Comrade Net has any self respect at all. He lets Dr. Weizfeld push him around all the time. Every time someone disagrees with Dr. Weizfeld, does this mean Comrade Net is behind it? It would appear this is the point of view of Dr. Weizfeld. Comrade Net has attracted many to several causes over the years. This greatest of strength he carries is known to everyone except for Net himself. We suspect that Stoned Soviet has attempted to drive a wadge between Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld. We don't know this though. We only suspect it. Why is it that Dr. Weizfeld refuses to expel Kara? Could it be that Dr. Weizfeld is senile? I don't really know. Why did Dr. Weizfeld expect Comrade Net to sort a bunch of PDFs while he was sleeping at several different homes for a few years? Now that it is all sorted, how come the Books can only be seen on the Internet? The Internet is already centralizing. Eventually the Manual PARTS 1 and 2 will be removed from all sites having it. We have every right to demand the Book in both Volumes be published in Book form. We have taken an Oath to harass Comrade Net whenever we see him. We demand what was promised. Yesterday, was the day I had exchanged the most bitter words towards Comrade Net. I already feel bad.


15. The Manifesto is called Manual of Revolution. 


16. It has been learned that from 2009 to 2019 there were actually two separate Bundist Movements. The globally connected Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement which included Dr. Weizfeld. And the broad organization controlled by Dona Newman which was known throughout places in both Arizona and California which somehow remained unknown at a global extent Bundist Movement Jewish Liberation and Anti-Zionist Action. 


17. I have no idea what to write here. Should I? Dare I?


18. All this for Jewish Revolutionaries. Why is this still such a hot topic for the Far Left?


19. Comrade Net actually is a jerk. He is a Good Man. But I have to disagree with Anarcho Syndical Boy. Comrade Net is sometimes a total prick. 


20. Dona Newman, abraham Weizfeld and Comrade Nethanel are all pathetic to be sure. But is this really their fault? Not really. This is Dona Newman's fault. She is at fault for both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net being so pathetic. She has made them this way. Both Men had been terribly deceived by her. I spent a lot of time with this Woman. She will delay the Sunrise if she finds a way. I think that May 27, 2019 destroyed both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net.


21. Calling the F.B.I. and the A.D.L. was reactionary, it caused nothing but problems. According to Comrade Net, Dr. Weizfeld came to regret this. This is just Comrade Net placating. If this was really true then why has Dr. Weizfeld never publicly apologized?


22. Dr. Weizfeld has finally come to see that Stan Heller was always a piece of shit. Stan Heller is a Trotskyist. Trotskyists betray Anarchists all the time. We are much safer allying with Marxist-Leninists and Marxist-Leninist-Maoists. We agree with the Third Worldist tendency of Maoism. First Worlders are too privileged. Stop voting! Stop with the Nonviolence because that shit don't work! Burn Down The State! THE STATE MUST DIE! The State Protects The Market! THE MARKET IS EVIL! THE MARKET IS SATAN! THE MARKET TURNS HUMANS INTO BLUE CHIPS! The First World has a very large Labor Aristocracy! The First World also has a growing Lumpenproletariat! Anarchists have perfected Revolutionary Lumpenproletarian Theory. Anarcho Syndical Boy was wrong to accuse Dr. Weizfeld of Adventurism. I don't believe that. It is good that Dr. Weizfeld pays more attention to Max Blumenthal. I don't agree with everything Max Blumenthal says but I respect him, his Journalism is some of the best.      


23. Dona Newman also educated me a lot. I am still guilt ridden by the event when she was kidnapped. But the truth is that she brought that on herself. I have not been able to get in contact with Yehudah Shlomo. I need to warn him about Clave. To understand the context it is best to read this Updates and Responses


24. I don't forgive Dona Newman either. Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net are both much more complicated. Dr. Weizfeld is not actually Comrade Net's father. Many people over the years began to think this. But the truth is that Dr. Weizfeld is a political Godfather to Bundists, Anarchists and Maoists. He knows this which tends to make him arrogant. The truth is Dr. Weizfeld is a relic of the old Bundism trying to navigate through the new Bundism. He has not done too bad. I just wish he cared more about Anarchists. Since when do Anarchists and Bundists have issues with each other? Since Dona Newman maybe. The Minivan squealing away is coming to me now in my sleep. I feel guilty even though all logic tells me that she did this shit to herself. I was going to force her to talk on a Livestream. It is actually my intention to talk to Dr. Weizfeld. But I need to speak to RedPagan Nikole first. That would be safer.   


25. The anger from Anarcho Syndical Boy is plain and obvious. 


26. This was some of the most detailed shit written by Anarcho Syndical Boy. The Obnoxious Anarchist who later would rename himself Optimistic Communist betrayed us. We almost met him. This never came about because of reasons never explained to us.   


27. This just shows why democratic-centralizing destroys any radical movements.


28. No Jewish Race! No Jewish Ethnicity! Jewish is Culture and Religion! This simple understanding has made the Bund more accessible to young Jews. Zionism is too dependent on claims of Jewish ethnicity. Zionism is divesting daily from Jewish culture and Jewish religion. As for the Jewish Inter-National Bund, this seems to still be the Endgame of the Bundist Movement. The Jewish Autonomous Oblast is still considered the favorite place for this. Comrade Net told me that he still aims for the Jewish Inter-National Bund to be in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. He also told me that there are rival locations which could in time put the Jewish Autonomous Oblast out of the question.


29. It can be shown here that Anarcho did give Dr. Weizfeld some credit. 


30. Anarcho defends Net... like a lot. This kind of drags on a bit... not sure what to write here... 

31. This blasting of Ms. Newman is full of passion and conviction. I wonder if Dr. Weizfeld ever takes the time to fully study what Anarcho was actually trying to convey?


32. Boring!


33. Accurately explained.


34. Okay! Now the Bitch is Out! I am here you stupid MAN fucks! Anarcho Syndical Boy is Gay but he is also a Cisgender Person not a Transgender Person, this makes him a Man. Men are not always smart. In fact usually Men don't grow brains until they reach their early twenties.  Most of this stuff here is resolved now. Let us move on to the more important shit! This has been taking me all day to write with the accuracy intended. Dr. Weizfeld attacks Comrade Net. Resorting to his view where anyone who disagrees with him must be speaking for themselves.


35. Comrade Net tries to be rational throughout all of this. Dr. Weizfeld resorts to insults and slander. Not very becoming of him. The Template Theory is part of the Manual.


36. This miscommunication was the fault of Dona Newman. Both of them, Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net are criticized throughout the Manual. Dona Newman is not just criticized in the Manual, she is exposed. I hope to explain soon how Dona Newman has been the most significant Secretary of the Far Left for at least from 2009 to 2021. She tried very hard to make sure that Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net could not make sense of those PDFs. Comrade Net told me recently, just yesterday as a matter of fact, he told me some things. Comrade Net talked about how hard it was to organize those PDFs. It was puzzling to him that they were all on different USBs. But what Net did not realize was, this was how she avoided suspicion from Net during the aftermath of the events of May 27, 2019, May 30, 2019, June 8, 2019. She took full advantage of the shock Comrade Net was going through. While both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net were in shock, Ms. Newman was in panic. Dona read the PDFs, all of them.



37. The Arizona Rebellion is proud to be part of the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. We even embrace Eibieman Doctrine of Writing. Paradigm Doctrine does utilize some Eibieman Doctrine of Writing. We ourselves like to call it the Eibieman Doctrine of Writing. We are still studying it. See back then.. this very real very alive converging of Maoists, Anarchists, Third Worldists and Demarchists was easier for Dr. Weizfeld to see. I don't mean to expose Dr. Weizfeld but we started to become aware that he was on morphine in 2021. We did not know this until late last year. Hopefully enough time has passed. Hopefully this will not make Dr. Weizfeld feel embarrassed. We should have known back then. We could have really helped Dr. Weizfeld. But it is closing time. Most all of the Books from Maoists, Anarchists and Third Worldists have been written. Books showing the contradictions and similarities, disagreements and correspondences carried out by the very Social Orders he spoke of. It is all written but yet to be delivered to Jason Unruhe. This could have happened sooner if there had been no Stoned Soviet.   



38. I can't cover up how I feel about this. Dr. Weizfeld was being extremely cruel and sadistic. It is so much better that we know now what was going on with Dr. Weizfeld. 


39. The naming of the Convergence was a confusing matter. It was actually Dr. Weizfeld the Chairman, Comrade Net the Cleric, Jason Unruhe the Maoist Rebel and Luke Dublin the Engelsist together who came up with the name United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence.


40. Finally I have reached the end! This should be a reminder to Dr. Weizfeld he first hand shapes our perception. Our understanding of him comes from him. It is actually Comrade Net with his amazing public relations skills who gives Dr. Weizfeld much credit. So does Dr. Weizfeld take Comrade Net for granted? Yes. I have come now to see that Comrade Net also takes Dr. Weizfeld for granted. Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld both need to learn how too chill out. The World is terrible and we can not do much about it as long as we are in so much confusion.  



This has been your friendly neighborhood Pinks. Take a look at this screen shot.

This comes from my sequel to Anarcho's long commentary on Dona Newman which I have examined for everyone. My sequel Re: The Fall of the Bundist Movement https://communeanarchy.blogspot.com/2021/07/re-fall-of-bundist-movement.html so I have kept my word to Dr. Weizfeld. I encourage Comrade Net to do the same for the Arizona Rebellion.

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