Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Public Statement by Anarcho Syndical Boy

This is the Statement which I wrote for both Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin to read out to the public. 

Jason Unruhe today put out a Video reading this out load but he skipped several words.

Luke Dublin has yet to confront this in a Video of his own. 

This is the full text I wrote.


This is a Public Statement by Anarcho Syndical Boy on behalf of The Commune of Anarchy (Arizona Rebellion and L.A. Underground)

The self-proclaimed founders of the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence; Dr. Weizfeld, Jason Unruhe, Comrade Net and Luke Dublin have failed to represent the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence.

The United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence is the name that Dr. Weizfeld gave to a fellowship of Anarchists, Maoists, Demarchists and Third Worldists.
It is our position that Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld both are politically untrustworthy. This does not mean that they have motives of Anti-Socialism. This does not mean that they have motives of Pro-Fascism.

Dr. Weizfeld has endorsed the discredited PCUSA recently. 
Before this he was endorsing China, despite the ongoing denunciation of China by the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence.

Dr. Weizfeld seems to forget that the PCUSA has a rule to be against Jason Unruhe. Dr. Weizfeld seems to forget that the PCUSA has one of the highest turnover rates of almost any other Communist Party because of the controlling rules of that Political Party. Not to mention the several sex scandals this Party has been connected to.

In 2021 Jason Unruhe restarted Maoist Rebel News as a News Network. MRN was supposed to be the News Network representing the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence.

Comrade Net has consistently functioned as a patsy for everyone. When he was not draining his mind of his own thoughts, to replace them with Dr. Weizfeld's thoughts, it was Stoned Soviet's thoughts which he would assume. 
We are sick of Comrade Net's insecurities and his desperation to make people get along. While Comrade Net considers us to be Utopian, we declare that he is the real Utopian. We do not oppose Comrade Net. We still consider Comrade Net a Comrade. But he had us convinced that MRN was going to help us get our testimonies viral, at our own discretion. We do not oppose Dr. Weizfeld, the issue is that Dr. Weizfeld seems to be incapable of dropping very reactionary positions.

After the events of May 27, 2019 Dr. Weizfeld called the F.B.I. which put many Communists and Anarchists in danger. His cultural incompetence is unacceptable. Comrade Net has claimed many times that Dr. Weizfeld regrets calling the F.B.I. but never has Dr. Weizfeld apologized for this nor has he ever self-criticized. The best idea that came from Marxism is self-criticism which Dr. Weizfeld seems to think he is above. The act of self-criticism transcends Marxism. The entire United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence adopted the act of self-criticism. So why not Dr. Weizfeld?

His lack of memory is inexcusable. He never remembers any details. All that Comrade Net does is make excuses for Dr. Weizfeld. I learned a lot about Gilad Atzmon, a Trotskyist who tries to hide the fact that he is a Trotskyist. Gilad Atzmon has been wrecking Dr. Weizfeld for years. What would Dr. Weizfeld do if the former members of MRN made a Solidarity Video to Gilad Atzmon? Dr. Weizfeld is a Double Standard Man. What hurts him matters. What hurts his "Comrades" does not matter, any one with any objection to such betrayals are not really being betrayed, they are emotional and need to get over it. That is the foundation of Weizfeld logic. Dr. Weizfeld has been called out on these things before but as we now know he will always revert to some type of betrayal. This is frustrating because we really do endorse what he does for Palestine. Dr. Weizfeld's professional style is not the style of a Revolutionary. It is the style of an Academic. This has clearly corrupted him. We suspect that Dr. Weizfeld hates both Communists and Anarchists because of his superiority complex. We in all reality don't suspect this that strongly, but he clearly is out to control us. He had accused a Maoist group which is also part of the Convergence of trying to control him. This is called psychological projection. Many people over the years have noticed this psychological projection coming from him. He has never corrected this.  

In 2020; Comrade Net, Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin collaborated with Dr. Weizfeld forming a sort of outline representation for this ongoing collaboration of Anarchists, Maoists, Demarchists and Third Worldists which was meant to become strong enough not to be removed from the Internet by Rightists and Centrists for hurting their Capitalist feelings. To this Day, Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net both have repeatedly let down the Anarchists, Maoists and Third Worldists of this Convergence. Every so often they would correct their behavior but this never lasted. They only care about the Demarchists, I think I understand why. Demarchism is new. Those who feel that Communists and Anarchists don't meet the true revolutionary goals of course want an alternative. I am not in any way a Left Opportunist. 

Comrade #3 has called on all Demarchists to remove themselves from the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. Comrade #3 is the most respected Demarchist there is. So they all left the Convergence. The Anarchists, Maoists and Third Worldists have remained in the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. The name which Dr. Weizfeld gave to the fellowship of Anarchists, Maoists, Demarchists and Third Worldists is United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. This name was embraced but Dr. Weizfeld thinks that he is meant to own us along with all of our ideas. From what I found out, Dr. Weizfeld has a group he made on social media called Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence, a group which no one in it really cares about. Which is pathetic and makes many of us feel kind of remorseful. No one wants to wreck Dr. Weizfeld but he only cares about his own causes and is willing to reduce Human Beings to Tools. I don't think he means harm to anyone. I have come around over the years to realize he is actually very genuine in his positions. But he is out of touch to a level which I and many other Anarchists can no longer tolerate. Comrade Net should retire already. It is not my fault nor is it anyone else's fault except for his own, that he has become isolated. This is Net's own fault for being the pathetic people pleaser he has become.      

Jason Unruhe made the Public Statement on behalf of the MRN Network. He made a Statement that those with more privilege must work for those with less privilege. But it would seem that only the falcone general and Darksnovia were the only ones who took this seriously. At first Stoned Soviet took this seriously. But this is no longer the case. While I do congratulate her, for coming out as a Woman, you would think that this would make her more willing to help us get our actual messages to the public. In fact I personally was trying to speak to her through video chat. We have very limited access to the Internet. We have to save up just to use it. All employment any of us get is under the table and undocumented. We leave no paper trail behind. We are without Identification Cards, Social Security Cards and Birth Certificates. We have to make sure that we can charge the electronics, this can be very difficult. Many times whatever electronic devices we have get destroyed in raids. We are fucking squatting and have dedicated ourselves to the overthrow of the State.

We all wish that Jason Unruhe would have kept the promises he promoted in his 6 THIS DOCUMENTARY WILL NOT BE MONETIZED videos. We wish that Luke Dublin would fight back against slander as it comes from certain "Comrades" who prove to only be Left Opportunists. A good deal of Comrade Net's squirism which Luke himself called out publicly may have stopped if Luke would have stood up to Stoned Soviet. I have several problems with Demarchists and Demarchist theory, but it is not a theocratic theory as Stoned had claimed last year, Luke knows better but he still squired for Stoned Soviet by staying silent. It is one thing to criticize, it is another to slander.       

The United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence was started May 28, 2020 in California. 
The majority of the Anarchists, Maoists, Demarchists and Third Worldists who have been involved in collaboration efforts to publish praxis reports under Jason Unruhe's publishing were meeting up in Arizona from 2020 to 2022.
Now the majority of collaboration efforts by the Convergence take place in California. We hold Dr. abraham Weizfeld in high regard but we can no longer allow him to call himself the Chairman of this Convergence.
Dr. Weizfeld was in support of the Ultra-Capitalist Country of China. The United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence has always opposed China.

We would like to thank both the falcone general and Darksnovia for being the only ones who ever actually did what we asked of them. We think that the falcone general should make a comeback and free herself from any Network. She is good enough to be independent. The falcone general is the best Class Trader on YouTube. No other Maoist on YouTube has even a tenth of her resolve. We miss seeing her, she is beyond everyone who was part of MRN. The many different groups who make up the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence have elected Darksnovia as the Chairman of the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. This will be publicly confirmed by the other groups who are part of the Convergence. We would like to see more from Maxwell Glover, so long as he is not endorsing the Ultra-Capitalist Country China.

It is true that the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence began to emerge out of response to the events on May 27, 2019. It is also true that Dr. Weizfeld gave the Convergence its name. If he wants to know why not enough of us outreached him, it is primarily because he kept saying things publicly that could get us discredited by the Lumpenproletariat. Most of this he has fixed only to say newer reactionary things. His current protests are very good and we hope he succeeds. We were under the impression that Luke Dublin was able to explain things to Dr. Weizfeld but he is mostly non-existent online now. 

There is nothing we are not aware of. We do not claim to have a perfect understanding of everything going on in the social media world but we know what is going on in real life. the falcone general dumped MRN Youth on Corporal Kat. Corporal Kat abandoned that position because their own life became too filled with turmoil. We also understand that the falcone general felt that PSFM was forcing her to stay as lead of MRN Youth. We know that many times Comrade Net had plans to publicly apologize to the falcone general for this. Because this was not the intention of PSFM. PSFM can be compared to the IRA in its origins. The Demarchists within PSFM took over PSFM, then they kicked out all other factions. They don't like to mention what PSFM stands for because they don't like what it stands for, they are planning to announce publicly some time in the future their new name.
Comrade Net does not make this public apology to the falcone general because he fears Stoned Soviet further slandering him. This is pathetic to a degree that myself and my Comrades lack reasonable words for. We never wanted to state that Comrade Net is pathetic but his work online is pathetic. His real work which we respect and defend is all done in real life. In real life he is an above average organizer. Online he is a patsy for everyone. We intend to get our three Books published by Jason Unruhe as he had promised us. As for the Maoists, Demarchists and Third Worldists with their writings we can not speak for them but we assume that they have the same plans in mind. We are upset that Manual for Revolution Volumes 1 and 2 have not been published in Book form. It is obvious that Dr. Weizfeld expects us to have Internet Access. Comrade Net misled us into thinking that both these Books would be published in Book form. 

We expel both the Chairman of the Revolution and the Cleric of Public Relations from the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. We therefore elect Darksnovia the Chairman Representative of the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. This will be confirmed later by the Maoist groups and the Third Worldist groups who are also part of this Convergence. We know full well that Dr. Weizfeld will twist this claiming that this is antisemitism, we have feared this accusation which has held us back from making any public grievances. But how can he a Demarchist be Chairman when all Demarchists have withdrawn from the Convergence?

I wish to thank Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin for reading this out to the public, I encourage real afterthought from them both, including any disagreements they may have. 


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