Anarchist principles of Rebellion and Civil Assembly

The Anarchist principles of Rebellion and Civil Assembly

We do not wait for Marxists to bring about a Dictatorship of the Proletariat
The Marxists have different fractions but they fall into similar traps. To say that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was never Socialist is a common mistake that we as Anarchists have made throughout the Twentieth Century. It is more correct to say that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a Socialist Country that degenerated due to the Bureaucracy. We as Anarchists did not fail because Anarchism is wrong, we failed because Marxism holds too many practical answers that create temporary solutions which briefly succeed before the Bureaucracy destroys the Proletarian Dictatorship. Because the temporary solutions that briefly succeed in Marxist Revolutionary Struggle show to be relevant this creates an appeal that resonates with the masses. Anarchy is the political characteristic of Direct Democracy whereas Communism is the economic characteristic of Direct Democracy. Socialism is Class Consciousness and Class Struggle. We start with Socialist Rebellion which becomes Socialist Revolution. Socialist Rebellion starts with education, taking over the Civil Society in total defiance of the State and sabotage to the Market is the Socialist Rebellion. 

Marxism is not the enemy of Anarchism 
We join with Marxists when we find common ground against common enemies and then we revert back to our differences, this is the only natural way to deal with Marxists. Marxists are not some type of natural enemy of Anarchists. Marxism can only be understood as the ideological rival and political sibling of Anarchism. Marxists hold on to their former glory, they refuse to see that the World has changed. Contrary to the claims of the Crypto-Fascists that are commonly known as Trotskyists, we have a better advantage to organize with Marxist-Leninists and Maoists than we do any other Marxists. Libertarian Marxism is dated just as Anarcho Collectivism and Anarcho Communism is dated. Libertarian Socialism whether Anarchist or Marxist does not immediately cause unity between Anarchists and Marxists. The greatest folly that many fellow Anarchists fall into is the mistaken idealist belief that Libertarian Marxists in the Twenty first Century hold commonality with Anarchists.

Anarchism is the true Philosophy and the correct Strategy for Revolution
Anarchism is carried out by Black flag Rebels seeking control of the Libraries and Public Schools.
Practical application of Anarchism for Anarchists is rooted in the Black flag Rebel Manifesto.
We must reject Pacifism and Nonviolence. Nonviolence is a tactic and a tactic alone. The State and the Market will never be removed through Nonviolence. Society must be cooperative, yet in our war against Capitalism we do not include Capitalists, we also do not include the over privileged. Those of us that have any type of privilege must utilize such privilege to further the struggle. Society must be cooperative, the State can not be fixed it must be overthrown. By taking over Civil Society we can wither away the State without a Bolshevik style Revolution. To do this, we need to win over the masses. We can not win over the masses without educating Communities. The heritage of the United States of America is the most powerful force that stands in the way of Socialist Rebellion. The flag of the United States of America must go. The Capitalist Republic must go. The enshrinement of  Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Fourth of July also known as Independence Day must go. The enshrinement of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and even Abraham Lincoln must be overthrown. Money must have the words "In God We Trust" removed, because if there is a God, what use for Money does he have? NO GODS!!! NO MASTERS!!! NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR!!!

The four key principles of Black flag Rebels 
The four key principles upheld by Black flag Rebels can be grasped by genuine observance of our Manifesto, the four key principles are as follows:

1. Ideological Unity. 


2. Tactical Unity. 

3. Collective Responsibility.


4. Federalism.

Class Struggle is the most important facet of Anarchism
Class Struggle is the main drive in Anarchism, it is the primary focus in Socialism. In is in the historical study of both Anarchist and Marxist Proletarian Struggles that we can understand how to organize Class Struggle. Today the Proletarians of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada and all of the Countries under the global hegemony known as the European Union no longer have Proletarians, this is one of the problems with the many dogmatic Marxist-Leninists and Libertarian Marxists, they fight for a nonexistent Proletariat. The revolutionary force in such Countries are called the Lumpenproletarians. The only Marxists that we recognize are the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists. The Marxist-Leninist-Maoists recognize the revolutionary potential of the Lumpenproletariat. The majority of our members would have been denounced by Karl Marx and his wealthy partner Friedrich Engels because we are a Lumpenproletarian Organization. But the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists have been genuine Comrades, they listen to our criticisms and they recognize that we are serious. If the Workers suffer with too much privilege, they can not be Proletariat.

The State Corrupts Revolutionaries
The State has always corrupted Revolutionaries. Proletarian States always degenerate into Overprivileged States. Both the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Revolutionary China under Mao fell into corruption and lost their Socialism. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics destroyed itself because of its own Bureaucracy. Revolutionary China under Mao was a Proletarian State without Bureaucracy, yet in the later period of the life of Mao Zedong a Bureaucratic Cult of Personality sprung up around Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong betrayed his own Revolution because the State Corrupts. The new model of Society must be Stateless. No more Countries. Federated Territories will be the new model for Society. The Anarch will be what brings about a new World of Federated Territories which becomes Anarchy. Anarchy is the political characteristic of Direct Democracy whereas Communism is the economic characteristic of Direct Democracy.

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