Syndical Commune Family Rules

The Syndical Commune Family Rules

1. The most experienced Comrades in our Commune Houses are our Mothers and Fathers. New Comrades of our Commune Houses are our little Brothers and Sisters. Those who come part time to help out and do maintenance for the houses are our Aunts and Uncles. Those outside our communities that any of us develop bonds with that never officially join us may very well be our nephews and nieces. The longer you stay the more seniority you have. The more you comprehend in study of Anarchist theory and practice the more seniority you have. To be a Mother or a Father requires being well versed in the theory and practice of Anarchism, usually this also means having been in our Commune Houses for a considerable amount of time. When someone does not understand the literature, explain the literature. Intellectual chauvinism and modern academia are the elitist enemies of education.
2. Racism and Sexism are strictly prohibited. This includes racism towards "Black" and "White" the human family is multicolored and race is a dangerous fantasy. This includes discrimination against Men and Women. Women that oppress Men are sexist and have no place in our Commune Houses. Men that exploit Women are sexist and have no place in our Commune Houses. 
3. We declare prostitution, narcotics, human trafficking, child molestation, pornography and rape to be the most dangerous, vile and reprehensible instruments of Capitalism. We fight a Class War against the enemies of the human spirit which is Capitalism.
4. We eat together and study together and teach each other self defense. If a Comrade does not have enough clothes, hook him or her up with new clothes. Do not steal personal property from each other. If anyone is caught with narcotics or pornography he or she will be expelled. If anyone attempts to make a fellow Comrade seem to have narcotics or pornography when this is not the case, that person will be expelled. If anyone ever involves the Police Departments for any reason at all he or she will be expelled.
Our loyalty is to each other not to the State or the Market.
We reject Statist Military.
No War But Class War.  
5. Uphold the Constitution of Anarcho Syndicalism.

The Constitution of Anarcho Syndicalism  

1. We must dispel the lie that Anarcho Syndicalism is a mere tactic within Anarcho Communism. Anarcho Communism is an extremely underdeveloped ideology, Anarcho Syndicalism is far more true to the essence of Anarchism but Anarcho Communism holds too many ideological errors. The CNT was more Syndicalist it was not heading towards the goals of ideological Anarcho Communism.

2. Emma Goldman and Rudolf Rocker are the true pillars of Anarchism. We must advance Anarchism along the lines of these true Anarchists. We must be willing to also critically study the successes and failures of the CNT/FAI as part of our Theory and Practices. We must also be willing to admit when both Emma Goldman and Rudolf Rocker had been incorrect or we will never make further advancements.

3. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Mikhail Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin were bigots much worse than Karl Marx. Their writings must be studied, however their theories must be trumped by Emma Goldman and Rudolf Rocker. Mutualism, Anarcho Collectivism and Anarcho Communism lack validity in the greater context of Anarchism. Yet to some extent we should be willing to work with Anarcho Collectivists and Anarcho Communists.

4. Anarcho Pacifism, Christian Anarchism and Jewish Anarchism are deviations from true Anarchism and we must reject them and find ways to marginalize these ideologies of false consciousness. Anyone maintaining Jewishness should be expelled and encouraged to further the causes of restoring the Jewish Bund. Mutualism is the prototype to Anarchism, it is completely outdated and irrelevant. Those upholding Mutualism must be combated. It is acceptable to utilize Pierre-Joseph Proudhon whenever something from his work is found relevant in modern context. It is not reprehensible to be against Mutualists. Comrades don't allow other Comrades to become Mutualists.

5. Murray Bookchin was a dangerous fanatical person and he should be investigated for whatever ideas he may have gotten correct but he is directly responsible for the counter-revolutionary movements of Anarcho Capitalism, Voluntaryism, Agorism and National Anarchism because he considered the right-wing and centrists his allies, for no other reason than countering Leninism. We are starting to find that Joseph Stalin did not cause any famines nor was there ever a plot against Jewish Doctors. Investing in lies against Joseph Stalin weakens our arguments against both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin.

6. We must be capable of maintaining a relationship with genuine Libertarian Marxists because as Anarchists we are also Libertarians. True Anarchists respect Rosa Luxemburg even when we find she was in error.

7. Our true allies in the Marxist community are the Marxist-Leninists and our true Comrades in the Marxist community are the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists. Our true enemies in the Marxist community are the Classical Marxists, the Orthodox Marxists and above all else the Trotskyists. Under no circumstances can we ever respect Trotskyists.

8. It is necessary to adopt Maoist ideas but not at the expense of Anarchism. Marxism is ultimately incorrect, but they have had a historical advantage over us for a very long time, this advantage is Dialectical and Historical Materialism. The USSR and Revolutionary China had been so successful that they formed the foundation to the Black Panther Party that stood as such a great threat to the United States of America that COINTELPRO was brought about primarily to destroy them. Unlike the CNT/FAI, the USSR endured but it rotted away regardless showing that there is a flaw in the Statism of Leninism and Maoism. Before the Bolsheviks it was common for Marxists and Anarchists to borrow ideological notions from each other. We need to return to this mutual borrowing from each other and carry on respectful debates again as we had before. We will never win the argument against our Leninist and Maoist co-revolutionists if we accept the fairy tales that Stalin caused famines or that he purged everyone who ever disagreed with him or that there was a plot against Jewish Doctors. We can never truly argue against the Molotov-Rubbentrop pact without being honest as to why Joseph Stalin promoted this. We find that Joseph Stalin was in error for promoting this Molotov-Rubbentrop pact. We need to comprehend what well versed Marxist-Leninist scholars have to say in regards to the Molotov-Rubbentrop pact, doing this will sharpen our criticism of this disastrous mistake. The way to organize with our Marxist-Leninist allies and our Marxist-Leninist-Maoist comrades is to acknowledge and uphold the validity of the Maoist Street Code, that is the principled document that protects us all.

9. True Anarchists work to occupy the Civil Society, voting in the United States or in Canada is strictly prohibited. We need to build up our own communities that stand in direct rebellion against the United States and Canada. To vote is to feed the very system we seek to undo. We must provide community education and engage in Direct Democracy, we do not need the approval of the State to do such. We must build up our squatter houses and provide for home defense because Fascism is coming and has been in the prototype stages ever since the time of George W. Bush. Barack Obama is worse than George W. Bush because his Neocolonialist agenda has caused unspeakable harm, whoever comes after Barack Obama will be a Fascist, we need to help people accept that the United States of America should not be saved because it is the primary aggressor of World conflicts. The Capitalist Class is very reliant on their Intelligence Community, this is the upgraded Fascism that poses a far greater threat to the Peace of the World than Nazi Germany ever did. Any attempt to rescue the United States of America exposes a direct hatred for the Native Americans and a hidden desire to promote Colonialism and Genocide.

10. We must build up Cooperative Syndicates with a strong Eco-Socialist agenda. We must indoctrinate our loved ones with our principles and never compromise these principles or we will fall to the ills that so many other revolutionists have before us. We must expel everyone who utilizes the Police Departments, the FBI, the NSA and the CIA. Our own Militias must stand in waiting to protect our Communities. We must organize Antifa marches and build up our own press. We must sabotage Capitalist press and Pro-American press. We must sabotage the United Nations which is and always has been the proxy of the United States of America. Every statement made by the United States government, the Canadian government and the many sections of authority of the United Nations must be received as a lie until proven to not be false. Nonviolence is a cancer destroying the necessity of Class War. Self defense is the eternal right of all Men and Women.

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Respect to RedPagan

 By Anarcho Syndical Boy  I start this with a thank you to my editor. I am not the best at spelling, so thank you. I have a lot of friends i...