Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Arizona Rebellion

By - Arizona Syndical Boy.

The AZ Anarcho Punk Bloc is finally dissolved, they could not replace the Anarcho Syndical Family.
Ever since October 2, 2019 some of the remnants of the Anarcho Syndical Family along with Black Flag rebels have combined resources to rent out a House in Glendale, Arizona. Together we have formed the Arizona Rebellion. Some of our Comrades are setting up the L.A Underground too.
For now we have Internet. We are starting this blog in hopes of providing information that can be of help to all the squatters who are seeking a way to combat Midnight Productions.
We will continue to work with Marxist-Leninist-Maoist militias under the Maoist Street Code this is the basic code that protects us all. We will pass this blog on, until the correct inheritor decides to take up the task of spreading the message, that is unless we are closed down to soon. 

We leave the readers with a piece from Rudolf Rocker's Book . . .

Anarcho-syndicalism: Theory and Practice

Chapter 1. Anarchism: Its Aims and Purposes

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Anarchist ideas are to be found in every period of known history, although there still remains a good deal of work for historical work in this field. We encounter them in the Chinese sage, Lao-Tse (The Course and The Right Way) and in the later Greek philosophers, the Hedonists and Cynics and other advocates of so-called “natural right,” and in particular in Zeno who, at the opposite pole from Plato, founded the Stoic school. They found expression in the teaching of the Gnostic, Karpocrates, in Alexandria, and had an unmistakable influence on certain Christian sects of the Middle Ages in France, Germany and Holland, almost all of which fell victims to the most savage persecutions. In the history of the Bohemian reformation they found a powerful champion in Peter Chelcicky, who in his work, “The Net of Faith,” passed the same judgement on the church and the state as Tolstoy did later. Among the great humanists there was Rabelais, who in his description of the happy Abbey of Thélème (Gargantua) presented a picture of life freed from all authoritarian restraints. Of other pioneers of libertarian thinking we will mention here only La Boétie, Sylvan Maréchal, and, above all, Diderot, in whose voluminous writings one finds thickly strewn the utterances of a truly great mind which had rid itself of every authoritarian prejudice.

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Happy New Year. Returning to the roaring 20's. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanking you for the solidarity in a United Front against fascism.
    Down with the Nation-State and for a Federation of Federations which is Communalism. Jewish Socialist Bund inter-nationally.


Respect to RedPagan

 By Anarcho Syndical Boy  I start this with a thank you to my editor. I am not the best at spelling, so thank you. I have a lot of friends i...