Black flag Federation Constitution

The Black flag Federation Constitution

1. To uphold the begrudging defiance against Hierarchy.

The domination of Power Structures corrupts the most virtuous of Men and Women. Socialist Rebellion must be done in pure defiance of the State and the Market. The Market is the retail establishment usually of a specified kind. Food Market, Entertainment Market, Sex Market, Clothing Market and Housing Market are basic examples to name but a few. The State is the law enforcement of the Market. Police are the State Agents of Hierarchy, the Police are the enemies of the Revolutionary Process. The State is the system of oppression which exists because of the collective ignorance of common people. Education of the highest standards is the weapon against the State. The Modern State is the fetter of Capitalism. The Market is not Free. The Market is Crony. The Free Market is the system of Liberty instituted for the benefit of Crony Economy. The Crony Economy gives rise to Capitalism which is legislated by the State. In order to destroy the Market, boycotting the voting system of the most dominate Capitalist Countries is necessary. Free Markets are more repressive to the common people than tightly regulated Markets because the simple reality of Markets is Crony Economies, thus Free Markets are the systems of Crony Economic Liberation which is the Oppression of the Common People. Waging War on the system of Hierarchy requires total defiance not participation in Capitalist Government. In the United States of America it is the duty of Anarchists to provide for ourselves the highest standards of Education, we can never do this with the aid of the State or its Marketing System. The challenge will be to work within the Black Market while at the same time destroying all exploitative groups within the Black Market. Only fellow Black flag Rebels can be trusted in this struggle within the Black Market, this puts us at odds with Drug traffickers, Human traffickers and Con-Artisan swindlers. We therefore must protect Prostitutes and win them over, after winning over Prostitutes we must aid them in their struggle against prostitution. Prostitution is a remnant of  Patriarchy which is made even worse in Capitalism. Instead of reaching the Workers of the United States of America we must reach the homeless and underemployed in the United States of America. After reaching the homeless and underemployed in the United States of America we must replicate that outreach to Canada and Europe. With the United States, Canada and Europe fostering Socialist Rebellion we can then make revolution happen in these Countries. The United States of America, Canada and Europe oppress the rest of the World, so from the start we must become allies to the Worker Proletarians in the oppressed Countries. Even though these oppressed Countries may not have much Anarchist ideas, if Socialist Revolution is one of their aims then this makes them our Comrades. We must start this in the United States of America because this is the center of World Power. Working with the Reservation Native Americans which are oppressed by the United States of America is the beginning, many of our closest allies are Reservation Native Americans because they hate the same systems of Hierarchy we seek to smash.  

2. To never compromise the Anarchist principles of Rebellion and Civil Assembly.

Many think that attacking the Petite bourgeoisie while ignoring the Major bourgeois Corporations is revolutionary, but to do this is to ignore the four key principles of Black flag Rebels. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the only type of Marxism that we as Anarchists can take seriously, nevertheless it is actually Anarchism that is the true Philosophy and the correct Strategy for Revolution. On the one hand we do not wait for Marxists to bring about a Dictatorship of the Proletariat but on the other hand we must keep in mind that Marxism is not the enemy of Anarchism. Class Struggle is the most important facet of Anarchism which is why we must ally with true Maoists whenever the situation demands. Marxist-Leninist-Maoists are blinded by their own historical success, many of them are afraid to admit that the State Corrupts Revolutionaries, their own history has shown this to be the truth. The new model of Society must be Stateless. No more Countries. Federated Territories will be the new model for Society. The Anarch will be what brings about a new World of Federated Territories which becomes Anarchy. Anarchy is the political characteristic of Direct Democracy whereas Communism is the economic characteristic of Direct Democracy.

3. To not be pulled into the ideological tangents of Anarchist splits.

We do not get into the mess of Anarcho Communism vs Anarcho Collectivism. We invite Anarcho Communists and Anarcho Collectivists to join with us and partake in arguments until they loose those arguments, we freely adopt whatever is applicable to us, our Methods guide our Ideology not the other way around, many of those who adhere to differing philosophical Anarchist subscripts will not last as Anarchists because they fail to understand that Anarchism is a philosophy first and then an ideology guided by a method of logic second. Black flag Rebels are not the unprincipled followers of the creed of "Anarchism without adjectives" because to proclaim that creed is to proclaim a redundant statement. The correct method starts with the true statement "Anarchism is a philosophy without adjectives" because without understanding this Anarchism becomes a subculture without discipline.

4. To reject deviations within the broader Anarchist tendencies.

We do not need Anarcho Pacifists or Anarcho Primitivists but they are welcome to argue with us until they loose. What must be rejected is the Anarcho Capitalists, the National Anarchists and those embracing Egoism as a form of Anarchism. Anarcho Pacifists or Anarcho Primitivists are confused Anarchists. It is not correct to proclaim Anarcho Pacifism and Anarcho Primitivism as Non-Anarchist, it is more accurate to proclaim that these are deviations within the broader Anarchist tendencies. The only Anarchists that can stand up face to face with Maoists are the Black flag Rebels. Without discipline in Anarchist collectives the Marxist argument wins. If the Marxist argument wins again it will be wonderful for a while until Bureaucracy fosters corruption again as is always inevitable. Black flag Rebels are what make up the Vanguard of Anarchist Philosophy.

5. To identify and combat Counter-Anarchist ideologies.  

Anarcho Capitalism, National Anarchism, Egoism and Blue Libertarianism are Counter-Anarchist ideologies. Blue Libertarianism does not even claim to be Anarchist. Blue Libertarian ideology is simply Transhumanist, Nationalist and Ultra-Capitalist ideology. Blue Libertarianism is just Capitalism with Anarchist colors. Not all Egoists are Anarchist and not all Anarchists are Egoists. What is more important to proclaim is that Egoism and Anarchism are not compatible ideologies. Those that attempt to blend Egoism and Anarchism disrespect the Vanguard of Anarchist Philosophy. National Anarchism is localized domestic Fascism making this the exact opposite of Anarchism. Anarcho Capitalism is a fabrication by the Major bourgeois Corporations to make goon squads out of the Middle Class, hijacking the struggle of the poor, becoming a struggle of the well-off soon to be new Bourgeoisie.

6. To bring humanity and nature together in coexistence for the sake of balanced harmony.

Green Anarchism is unnecessary because Anarchism in the Twenty first Century must be Green by default. Fantasies of Industrialization in a Post-Industrial Society can only measure as counter-revolutionary. The denial of Climate Change serves the interests of privatization and tyranny, a lot of money is spent in hopes of deceiving the masses of people into thinking that Climate Change is not real. One of the primary ways to destroy the Market is to build up ecologically friendly labor systems. A system of benefit, connecting the surplus value to green labor. Reforestation has replaced Industrialization. To keep it clean, we must collectively share and punish anyone that tries to rip off anyone else. NO GODS!! NO MASTERS!!! Training the new labor partners is the obligation of the experienced labor partners. 

7. To enforce Socialist Rebellion regardless of the disapproval of the State.

Boycotting the State by isolating the Civil Society from the State can not be bypassed. Socialist Revolution is not peaceful. Those who scream of Nonviolent Revolution do so at the expense of the victims of War Capitalism. The State is pushing nonviolence so that the Empire can grow. There is no way to change the State by infiltrating it. Whenever you try to change the State you don't change it, it changes you. Only by winning over the masses of people can Anarchism prevail.

8. To reject pacifism and nonviolence as we teach self defense while enforcing collective discipline.

Pacifism and Nonviolence both serve the interests of Capital and State. We will build for ourselves Militias of the People. We will teach self-defense not nonviolence. We will teach combat training not pacifism. We will teach self-respect and respect for others not compassion towards brutal Police officers. We will teach the repressed history of the United States of America to the Youth. The Youth will learn that the United States of America is worse than Nazi Germany. We will sabotage the liars that promote Holocaust Denial, We will teach the history of not just the Jewish Holocaust but the Native American Holocaust too. We educate the Youth on the subjects of CONITELPRO, MK-Ultra, Jim Crow, South Africa Apartheid, Operation Paperclip and the Iran-Contra Affair. We will combat Judeophobia and Islamophobia. We will show the difference between Zionism and Judaism. We will teach the difference between Jihadism and Islam. There is no Zion in Zionism, there is no Jihad in Jihadism. We will reject Theocracy and secular Fundamentalism both. The New Atheists and the Evangelical Christians are the first and last line of defense in the United States of America and we must crush them both. We must teach collective self-discipline and collective self-management.

9. To propagate a regressive rejection of the Market while building up progressive advancements.

All of the money gained by working within the Black Market must be put into our Communities. With this we can over time create an alternative to the use of the Black Market. The use of the Black Market is a temporary measure which gives us the power to combat the hostile forces that are dominant in the Black Market as well as ensuring that we collect enough money to buy enough of the necessary materials for our revolutionary cause. We don't overcome Social Theocracy with Anti-Religion, we overcome Social Theocracy with building study groups, feeding the poor and teaching Theory to the hungry, organizing the poor and collectively taking over the Civil Society with this we can replace currency with surplus value notes. We must put Corporations out of business, Corporations seeking cheap labor in the Third World must be fought before wasting time with the pathetic Petite small businesses.

10. To show Communism is the economic and Anarchy is the political.  

After the Socialist Rebellion leads to the Socialist Revolution we get Anarchy. Communism is the economy of Anarchy. The Socialist Revolution is a processed where the Anarch functions as the Government not the State. The Anarch institutes Anarchy which is the new political and social culture and Communism which is the new economic and social culture. The World will become a International Council of federated-Communes. The Socialist Revolution will be an ongoing process to transform society. The Anarch is the Vanguard of social Management, it is not a State because a State is only a repressive tool. While the Anarch is repressive it is alive with the repressed collectives suffering under exploitation and oppression. The Anarch guides  the masses with education not Dictatorship of overprivileged Workers in retail Stores.

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