Thursday, June 11, 2020

L.A Underground

By - The Guy From Everywhere.

This will be the first post from the L.A Underground, the Arizona Rebellion has managed to become stronger even after losing their rented House in Glendale, Arizona. We will continue to partner with the Arizona Rebellion as many of our founding members came from the original Anarcho Syndical Family. Just as the Arizona Rebellion was founded by many who were part of the once great Syndical Family, several of us who have built up the L.A Underground once belonged to the Anarcho Syndical Family. Just as the Arizona Rebellion was founded by remnants of the Anarcho Syndical Family combined with several Black Flag rebels, this is also the case for us constituting the founding membership of the L.A Underground. One of the differences between the L.A Underground and the Arizona Rebellion is that WE THE L.A Underground have a lot more of the Black Flag rebels within our founding membership. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that we may not endure, the L.A Underground has been hit to hard as we march on with organization. If we manage to endure it will only be because other Anarchists join in with us and understand the logic behind the Anarchism we put into practice over the Anarchism propagated by "Anarcho" Populists. 
Last night the Arizona Rebellion took a vote. They voted to ask for our assistance in removing the new Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. We said "NO" because we knew about the disinformation campaign moving against the new Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. Fisted by Foucault was posing as a member of the new Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, Fisted by Foucault is an Anarcho Capitalist wrecker. This is what we need to clarify to everyone, lauracouç was never elected by the new Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. Our Comrades in the Arizona Rebellion genuinely believed that lauracouç was elected as leader of the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone and so did Jason Unruhe. After asking the Arizona Rebellion if they reached their conclusions from Jason Unruhe they assured us that this was not the case. We have now watched Jason Unruhe's video titled The Capital Hill Autonomous Zone four times and we see that Jason Unruhe's view of what is happening at the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone is very similar to what the Arizona Rebellion had come to believe. Who ever is giving Jason his information is giving him misinformation, and yes, we are not blaming whoever is reporting to Jason because it is more likely they themselves are being misinformed, the Arizona Rebellion have disclosed to us who had given them their information and we contacted the two people giving them this misinformation only to find they themselves were being misled. 
Let us understand some very important details. Jason Unruhe is a Maoist-Third Worldist who used to be a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. Jason Unruhe has clearly been trying to build new bridges, with us the Anarchists. It must have been difficult for Jason Unruhe when he could not find real Anarchists on Social Media. You can watch a lot of his older videos, for a long time he began to built up a wall around himself keeping Anarchists away from Solidarity with him, when he saw that real Anarchists still did real work he became very enthusiastic and started to reach out to us. The Arizona Rebellion seems to have impressed him a lot, the Arizona Rebellion is rather awesome so that would make sense. Because Jason used to be a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist he probably has always had, at the very least, sympathy for Anarchism. Maoists tend to work well with us Anarchists, Third Worldists would most likely consider us important for what they call Resistance in the First World. We get the impression that Jason Unruhe wants a restoration of the old Left Alliances between Maoists and Anarchists. The worst thing that could happen in the comment section, happened. The screensave will speak for it self. The saddest thing about this is that Bee in the Hive is one of Jason's most enduring subscribers and he left subscription due to the fact that the comment section is always super toxic and frustrating for something that most likely is not really even Jason's fault.
Let us get very real about this, we have to be understanding to those confused about the events surrounding the new Capital Hill Autonomous Zone because it only formed within two weeks, we also need to understand that Social Media really is failing to correctly convey information, only Jason Unruhe has cared enough to report on the things happening in Arizona which we would argue is some of the most important events. The best thing that could happen is that the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone reach out to Jason Unruhe, but that is never going to happen, it will never happen because the propaganda mounted against Jason Unruhe and the wrecking against Jason Unruhe is just way to massive. What our Comrade and fellow Anarchist Bee in the Hive should know is that Maoists and Anarchists did begin to capture dominance in the comment section of Jason Unruhe's channel and that he was a part of that. Although most of the BreadTubers are not as bad as Vaush or Xanderthal, BreadTube remains disconnected from what is actually happening to the Arizona Rebellion, they help Tom Watts stonewall the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement by ignoring them and not inviting them to BreadTube. The radical Bundists are more marginalized now than before, BreadTube is full of liberal nonsense, it is frustrating that we as Anarchists do not have the Social Media platform that Marxists enjoy, but Jason Unruhe is the one trying to platform us all, we can not really say this for BreadTube or even other Marxists on Social Media. NO ONE EVEN CARES, WELL JASON DOES, BUT THAT DOES NOT REALLY MATTER TO ANYONE EXCEPT THOSE OF US THAT HAVE BEEN IN A WAR ZONE LONG BEFORE MAY 25, 2020.

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