Tuesday, March 9, 2021

History of the L.A Underground and Solidarity to ThePinkPurpleGirl

By Anti-King of the L.A Underground

Radical Liberalism will destroy the World unless we fight it. To be an Anarchist is to oppose Colonialism, Fascism and Radical Liberalism. The L.A Underground has no tolerance for these ideas. Gone are the days when we could have allied with Social Democrats, today alliances with other tendencies within the Far Left is the only answer. All of the Liberals in their many flavors are under the sway of the Radical Liberals. We are resuming our work, there has been a lot of collective trauma in our mission and we don't know how long we can last. The primary roots of the L.A Underground come from the Black flag Federation of Anarchists. The Black flag Federation of Anarchists was founded on September 17, 2015 founded on the basis of a short Manifesto printed on the same date. This is the Manifesto Nestor Makhno on Revolutionary Unity which was written on September 16, 2015 as an ideological springboard for the organization that would be founded the very next day. 

The Black flag Federation of Anarchists would further develop with a Declaration Anarchist principles of Rebellion and Civil Assembly which was written on March 6, 2016 and was read out loud by every member of the Black flag Federation of Anarchists. Then on June 12, 2016 a full Constitution Black flag Federation Constitution was written as the keystone to the ideological foundation to the Black flag Federation of Anarchists. On the date of February 9, 2019 the Black flag Federation of Anarchists was dissolved. Several of the original members of the Black flag Federation of Anarchists along with many of the original members of the Anarcho Syndical Family would form the L.A Underground in late 2019 to early 2020 going through several name changes until settling on the namesake of L.A Underground. 

Solidarity to ThePinkPurpleGirl of the Arizona Rebellion. It was ThePinkPurpleGirl who gave the Three Arrows an Antifa definition and Revolutionary Socialist definition that can be shared by Anarchists, Marxists and Demarchists alike. ThePinkPurpleGirl was one of the members of the Anarcho Syndical Family and her knowledge and experience aided the foundation of the Arizona Rebellion. ThePinkPurpleGirl has Covid-19, it is our wishes that she fully recover from the virus.


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