Thursday, January 16, 2020

Where do we go from here in Arizona?

By Borderless

This set of pictures in this post was taken by Arizona Syndical Boy on January 13, 2020.
These pictures were taken upon my request, he had Comrade Net of the Bundist Movement take pictures of Phoenix, Arizona too. You can take a look at those pictures by reading Phoenix, Arizona.
Phoenix, Arizona has the most integrated poor in the United States of America. There have been several political formations that have risen out here. Ever since the disbanding of the Anarcho Syndical Family organizing Anarchist squatter Communities has been a challenge.
After consistent attacks from several COINTELPRO agents and Crypto-NazBols the Anarcho Syndical Family disband in its place came the spooks known as the AZ Anarcho Punk Bloc, some of us are accounted for, some of us are not. SEVERAL OF US ARE MISSING.
The AZ Anarcho Punk Bloc was never anything but a bunch of posers. They rejected the Syndical Commune Family Rules, it is for that reason they have not endured.
I use to walk down this way with my Comrades, the Anarcho Syndical Family use to meet up at the Cortez Park. Recently the remnants of the Anarcho Syndical Family got together with the old members of the Black flag Federation of Anarchists to form the Arizona Rebellion.
The Arizona Rebellion will not be meeting at the Cortez Park.
Not all of the Black flag Rebels have been accounted for, most went into hiding. But finally we have established the Arizona Rebellion and it is our hope that others find this blog and take these posts and learn from them, spread the message and reach the masses.
The Paradox of Arizona is that this is the State with the most integration, yet this is also the State where Neo-Nazis run loose and can be found within the Police Departments of Phoenix and Glendale. Midnight Productions controls a grate deal of what happens in Arizona, something the poor know very well. It is highly unlikely that Fascism in the United States of America can be halted, it will only be halted by exposing what is going on in Arizona. Here is to the new Arizona Rebellion. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What was the 'Syndical Commune Family Rules' and how is it relevant today?

By Black-Red Wave a founding member of the once innovative Anarcho Syndical Family.  

The Anarcho Syndical Family based its philosophy on the Syndical Commune Family Rules written on August 1, 2015 by myself and other Anarcho Syndicalists which must remain anonymous, there must be no ego to this constitutional pamphlet. The issue arises that there are different Anarchist tendencies, some of these tendencies deviate more than others. The Anarcho Syndical Family was founded upon the idea that "Anarchism without adjectives" undoes the very essence of Anarchism. The Anarcho Syndical Family was an Anarcho Syndicalist Community in Arizona found in the Cities of Phoenix, Glendale, Avondale and Peoria. We held to a squatter Anarcho Syndicalist philosophy.  
The Anarcho Syndical Family was intended to reconstitute the integrity of Anarchism.
The conclusion was Correct Anarcho Syndicalism separate from Anarcho Communism which was founded upon Emma Goldman and Rudolf Rocker. Furthermore it has been apparent to many Anarchists that debates between Anarchists and Marxist-Leninists usually end with the Anarchists loosing these debates. One of the other complications was that Johann Rudolf Rocker (March 25, 1873 – September 19, 1958) considered himself an "Anarchist without adjectives" yet it has been apparent in many Anarchist circles that in order to preserve the legacy of Rudolf Rocker, criticism of Rudolf Rocker is necessary. The Anarcho Syndical Family rejected Mutualism yet had the capacity to utilize the work of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. The Anarcho Syndical Family refused any cooperation with Mutualists. The Anarcho Syndical Family never objected to working with Anarcho Collectivists and Anarcho Communists, yet the Anarcho Syndical Family considered both Anarcho Collectivism and Anarcho Communism to be lacking in imagination and practical application of theory.
Anarcho Pacifism, Christian Anarchism and Jewish Anarchism also contradicted the Anarcho Syndical Family. The ideological framework that originates from Fraye Arbeter Shtime spawned off a series of Anarchist tenancies that were ideologically Jewish and typically problematic. Anarchist tenancies that are ideologically Jewish degenerate into Anarcho Zionism and Diaspora Zionism. There are of course Jews which are Anarchist, but ideological claims for Jewish Nationality do not mix with Anarchism. Is there a difference between Nation and State? Yes of course, but there is no difference between State and Country, this Demarchist theory by Danson and his successors is not true. There is only a difference between Territory and Country. We reject Rojava as the dangerous chauvinistic result of Murray Bookchin's ideology. We also reject Ba'athism. We reject Arab Nationalism, it is up to the Arabs themselves to de-colonize themselves from the Western-based Nationalism imposed upon them. Rojava is racist Kurdish Nationalism and even suicidal Nationalism. We denounce the YPJ as posers with the mere purpose of dragging the name of Anarchism through the mud. Rojava is not an improvement over the CNT. The CNT only failed because of a lack of better organizing, other than this one issue (which turned out to be a big issue) it was better than the USSR. Communal Confederations or even Soviets without the impositions of Country/State needs to be the endgame goal. But we must be honest the CNT suffered from lack of organizations to fight back against Fascism. We are not happy with Soviet innovation upon the CNT, yet in order to make a correct historical denunciation for this we need to recognize why the Soviets had panicked enough to invade. We do not oppose National-Cultural Autonomy, but Anarchists already use National-Cultural Autonomy in rebellion, the Jewish Nation has to fight for National-Cultural Autonomy because the Jewish Nation is subjected to the ills of Eurochauvinistic Social Norms. Anarchists are not behind Bundists, Bundists are behind Anarchists.
However, we are happy to work with the Bundist Movement. The Bundists have a fight much more terrifying than ours that they must fight. So let us go over the Note from abraham Weizfeld PhD to the Arizona Rebellion because other than Noam Chomsky he is the only academic we respect at all.

WEIZFELD This set of principles in Anarchist thought is interesting and compelling. The Panther theorist Newton used a term which corresponds to the first Anarchist revolution in Paris 1870 when the Paris Commune was operating for 3 months before being crushed by the Royalist troops in collaboration with the Prussian-German State occupation. That term is communalism. The distinction with Communism is that there is no State, which is the fatal flaw of Communism.

Thank you. We also embrace a multipolar World. 

WEIZFELD Re Constitution #4  Where it is stated, "Christian Anarchism and Jewish Anarchism are ... ideologies of false consciousness. Anyone maintaining Jewishness should be expelled and encouraged to further the causes of restoring the Jewish Bund" the fundamental error of equating Christianity and Jewishness since the Jewish political culture is more than a religious sect. We are a People-Nation with a history of Judaism as a philosophy and an inter-national social structure. We exist as a minority nationality, 'A Nation within a Nation'. For us to be a Bundist and an Anarchist is no contradiction.

There is a serious contradiction between being a Bundist and an Anarchist because being Bundist is Demarchist if anything. I understand that Fredrick Danson to have been the one to have written a book called National Cultural Autonomy, this book is being published in parts or fully has already, it is hard to find. But I knew Fredrick Danson, in fact it was through him that I learned about you. Trust me Bundists are Demarchists not Anarchists. No sectarianism, just letting you know that you are mistaken. 

WEIZFELD #5. Murray Bookchin had a personal character that contradicted Anarchist rejection of imposed authority. At the conclusion of a meeting of the Black Rose collective here in Montréal where i reported on my planned voyage to Libya, Bookchin pointed to me a ordered me not to go there to meet Kadhafi. I was shocked and more so when I heard that Bookshin was pro-Zionist. Some Anarchist tendencies keep up their acquiescence to the Zionist State until as late as 1982.

I deeply appreciate this information, a synthesis between Murray Bookchin the Anti-Anarchist BIGOT and Kadhafi the Green Patriotic Demarchist may be a solution it self, maybe. The compelling idea from Murray Bookchin is dialectical naturalism, other than that he was a counter-revolutionary racist and Zionist and Americanist. 

WEIZFELD #7 The difference between the Trotskyists and Troskyism is that the latter actually knows what the Permanent Revolution is. This theory does not originate with Trotsky/Bronstein but is more so an Anarchist theory discussed in various ways previously by writers including Marx. Permanent Revolution taken to its logical conclusion rejects the State as a dominating superstructure over Civil Society, as well as never-ending revolutionary innovation.

This may be true, but then all you have to do is take the correct tendencies of Trotskyism away from Trotskyism and give it to Anarchism, Maoism, Bundism and maybe even Third Worldism. We both utilize Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, however I reject Mutualism and so should you, it is outdated. Consider this, take from Trotsky and Proudhon what is needed and throw away the rest. Both Trotskyism and Mutualism fail as ideologies. Trotskyism is ideologically sectarian, the Fourth International must expel Trotskyists because Trotskyism holds historical revisionism worse than Karl Marx and sectarianism is part of Trotskyism. Mutualism is dogmatic ideology of the outdated way of making mutual markets, as you are Bundist making you Demarchist you can never tolerate this. Bundists are Demarchists and Demarchists put Methodology over Ideology. Trotskyism is anti-Reciprocity unironically. Mutualism is anti-Reciprocity ironically (very ironic).

WEIZFELD #8. 'Dialectical and Historical Materialism' was formulated during the period of classical science when causality was the methodology built upon Hegelianism. This introduced a formal logic into Historical Materialism which assumed a historical linear-periodisation of continual progress along similar lines in every social development from Capitalism to Socialism. However history does not necessarily progress as Rosa Luxemburg pointed out the danger of regression to "Barbarism" which should actually be called Fascism. In addition other Third-World countries may just skip Capitalism to become Socialist. This Permanent Revolution contradicts the formalism in Historical Materialism.

Dialectical and Historical Materialism does not have to be linear, we learned this from Hannah Toff, Marvin Eliyahu, Uri Adiah, Mariam Emesberg and Isaiah P. Kamatsein. In many ways these five proved this to not only us, they proved it to Dona Newman and Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua. What needs to happen is a synthesizing between the concepts of Permanent Revolution and Historical Materialism. This can be done and has been done. You have been deprived of the greater conversation in Arizona, it so obvious. The glorious arguments we had with the Leninists, Maoists and Bundists. We are very unhappy that you never came out to see us. Dona and Net both made it sound like you were going to do so at some point. We however understand that this will never happen. The Maoists are the most hurt by this though, especially Panther C.O.D.E because they wanted you to help them revolutionize everything. It is possible to synthesize Dialectical and Historical Materialism from Hegelianism entirely, this allowed us to win arguments against the Leninists, sometimes even against Maoists (Maoists are very hard to win debates against) but this was what we were missing, it does not have to be linear. Bundists and Anarchists alike could for once outdo Marxism if we just left our echochambers. 

WEIZFELD #9. 'Direct Democracy' was the motto of the Jamahiriyia in Libya following the Green Book but it too failed due to the lack of a Constitutional Assembly that was promised by Kadhafi in 1972 but was never formed to write the new Constitution for its Civil Society.

The weakness of the CNT was lack of organization. The weakness of the USSR was the Bureaucracy. The weakness of the Jamahiriyia in Libya was that Kadhafi was so terrorized by Ronald Reagan that he betrayed his own revolution out of fear. In our view Kadhafi went down hill from there. His murder was very tragic. The World lost the Lion of Africa and now that African Union is no better than the European Union.

WEIZFELD #10. "Our own Militias must stand in waiting to protect our Communities" is an existential necessity.

We are all guilty of treason now according to the State. We have no choice but to Rebel. 

WEIZFELD For the United Front of revolutionary socialist forces to oppose the counter-revolutionary reaction to the ongoing revolutionary process. Despite any disagreements there is a fundamental collective interest that fascism must fail this time. For this reason we need the United Front with the Sanders socialist campaign but with critical support. As for personally voting itself, that is largely irrelevant.

Why do we need to back Bernie Sanders, why can't we back ourselves is overthrowing the United States of America? The United States of America will never give up its hegemonic role even with a Sanders presidency. But a United Front against Fascism is a major necessity, Jason Unruhe a Third Worldist reached out to us and this has pissed off fake Anarchists and fake Marxists but this has empowered real Anarchists and real Marxists. If you have a plan to get the DSA on board, okay sure. But the DSA is not Socialist they are just greedy Social Democrats. Sanders himself is a Zionist. It is good that he opposes AIPAC but he is still a Zionist. If there is a plan to radicalize the DSA then sure, if not there is no point.

WEIZFELD People in the USA are facing a great challenge and its oppositions' efforts will weigh heavily in the determination for the coming epoch. 

The odds are against us, we blame Nonviolence and Faith in Nonviolence. We even blame other Anarchists like Noam Chomsky (we deeply respect him but he pacified too many people). We blame people like Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! for misleading so many of us on several issues. YEAH Jews need to be Bundists, you guys become tools without the Bund, even you do. We blame Chris Hedges a friend of Noam Chomsky too, he will not even condemn the White Helmets, that is why we know he is compromised. We reject your friend Stanley Heller and we consider him to be your handler, otherwise he would tell the truth more. That is not Antisemitism that is a true and fair criticism. You need to get better representation, a win for you would be a win for us all. Our only chance is open defiance. Gun Control is Right-Wing, this needs to be a United Front Slogan.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Evelyn Cold

By Evelyn Cold

I do not know where to start. I may have to leave topic and then return to topic.
How does anyone place multiple subjects into one post?
I am not going to worry too much about it.

All records that I was ever born have been removed. We need to start speaking out about this.
It is one thing to choose to live off the grid, it is another thing to be removed from the grid because you have been deleted. This post does not serve the purpose of evidence to the recent events of last year on May 27, May 30 or June 8. This post is for all those of you that know about this already.
This post is for all in Arizona which may have been eyewitness to the events of May 27, May 30 or June 8.This post is for everyone that already knows that those events happened, especially the eyewitnesses. There are so many that saw the events of May 30 and June 8 and they will not speak because it will mean there life in some cases but it most cases this is because it will mean the lives of their loved ones. I have survived much, I was once the property of Jared 88.
Just as my big sister Linda Cold died a diehard Anarchist, I too hope to die as a diehard Anarchist. I will not lie, I hated my sister's boyfriend Uri Adiah. Uri was always putting down Anarchists. Actually that is not true, he looked down on Anarchist Theory and Practice.
Just recently I met Comrade Net the Cleric of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement. I will not get a real chance to meet quoting Comrade Net "Dona Newman The Super Genius" as I am leaving Arizona tonight, if I stay in Arizona I will be killed. Comrade Net has told me everything about his Comrades and I wish that I had gotten to know the others. I now think that Uri Adiah was probably the best of these Bundists, it even makes sense to me that he put down Anarchism the way he did.
I am going to make a very terrible confession, I considered my self an Anarchist only because I always thought my big sister Linda was THE COOLEST FUCKING CUNT TO EVER EXIST.
I went from poser to being real after I came to understand what happened on May 27, 2019.
My sister's death has permanently shaken me out of my self absorbed apolitical condition. On May 27, 2019 my sister did not come home from the Wedding. I knew Isaiah P. Kamatstein and Uri Adiah but not any of the other Bundists. I am going to have to explain as much as I can, this may seem sloppy but here goes . . .  

I actually knew Isaiah P. Kamatstein first. Sarah Bauer and I were both in Midnight Productions as sex product and when I left, I did so with the aid of Sarah. Sarah and I both wanted out, but you can not just leave Midnight Productions.
Sarah began to attend Isaiah's Synagogue when it was a new place on the Bell Canyon Pavilions.
I am not Jewish, in fact I find Judaism a bit strange, I understand what I did not before, Judaism is a religious cultural tradition which you can only convert to through orthodox means, Isaiah told me this himself and it is now part of the Bundist political rule. I learned from Comrade Net that Uri Adiah established the Bundist standards for Reform Judaism, Isaiah P. Kamatstein established the Bundist standards for Reconstructionalist Judaism and Hannah Toff established the Bundist standards for Conservative Judaism.
All three of the mentioned only recognized orthodox conversion and the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement had a process to make sure that your mother was Jewish, part of this is because Jewish Anarchism was rejected by Hannah Toff as kin to Fascism because according to her Anarchism rejects Nationality. Now that I know about all of this, I got to admit I respect all of these martyrs, because I agree that Nationality is not compatible with Anarchism. I have also never met a Jewish Anarchist that was not some type of Sectarian Crypto-Trotskyist. I can go on and on about this, but I do have say that the Jewish People are doomed now that the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement is down to only three members and the Chairman of the Bundist Movement only recognized the Bundist Movement he was leading with Dona Newman and Comrade Net as nothing but an Arizona Chapter. I don't hate the Jewish people at all, I just can tell you you can not be Jewish and anarchist this is like trying to be Marxist and Anarchist. Anarchism is not pluralism either, Anarchism is Anti flag.
All flags must go, State, Market, Sexual Orientation, Religiosity, Nation.
All Cultures must became one by fusing with each other.
I am a Black flag Anarchist, my sister was an Anarcho Syndicalist.
Anarcho Communists are often also Anarcho Syndicalist.
Anarcho Syndicalists are often also Anarcho Communist.
But in Arizona the Anarcho Communists and the Anarcho Syndicalists remain separate.
I go on Rise Up all the time, I now know everything about Dr. Weizfeld and he is a dreamer, I respect what he does, I wish I could meet him, he is as Comrade Net says "Doctor Abraham Weizfeld The Legendary Jewish Revolutionary" but I do not think he understands that he only has two living Comrades that will never be able to make it out of Arizona and will inevitably die out here in Arizona no matter how much Dr. Weizfeld thinks he can rescue them he will fail. The death of my sister is Dr. Weizfeld's fault, he did not take any of us seriously. I will not be able to write for this blog again, I don't care how out of order my words are. I have too much to say, things I may never get to say again.
On November 19, 2019 I got to meet Comrade Net for the first time, he wanted me to Skype with Dr. Weizfeld but knowing that Comrade Net is principled I made sure he knew that I did not want Dr. Weizfeld to even know I existed. Comrade Net was shocked to learn that Linda Cold had a little sister. One of the funny things about Comrade Net is that he is mistaken as some time of hardcore Jewish Stalinist but this is a big misunderstanding. Comrade Net may have a lot of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideas and he may agree with a lot of the MLM Street Philosophy but his principles are more Anarchist in nature. Sometimes he even explains to people "I Have Very Strong MLM Leanings Yet I Follow A Lot Of Anarchist Principles" I think the real word for Comrade Net is Bundist.
On November 19, 2019 Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld did communicate through Skype.
At 10:27 PM Comrade Net tried to type to Dr. Weizfeld about what he understood to be causing Dona Newman's condition to worsen but at 10: 28 PM Dr. Weizfeld could only reply with the message
"I did not ask about politics"
I sure hope this abraham Weizfeld PhD is not senile because his responses to Comrade Net do seem to suggest so at times. Getting back to Midnight Productions . . .

I left Midnight Productions with the aid of Sarah Bauer. Sarah Bauer always said that she did not know who the father of her two sons was but I know she was always lying and I think that deep down Isaiah P. Kamatstein knew too. I am rather sure that Eric Scarletto is the father of Michael Bauer and Gabriel Bauer. I would meet Isaiah P. Kamatstein and he offered to help me get in touch with the Anarcho Syndical Family or a local Catholic Parish Priest that he knew, I did not want to be around any religious organization so I went with the Anarcho Syndical Family. What I did not expect was that one of the Big Sisters in the Anarcho Syndical Family was my very own big sister Linda Cold herself. I don't remember all of the Syndical Commune Family Rules, besides I am told someone else will put out another post on this blog which will clarify what the Syndical Commune Family Rules were. In late 2017 and early 2018 Comrade Net, Uri Adiah and Marvin Eliyahu organized an Antifa cell which was an alliance between the Lenin-Mao Communist Union and the Anarcho Syndical Family and unlike many Antifa gatherings it was an organized alliance united under the philosophy of the Maoist Street Code but at some point the Anarcho Syndical Family was raided to many times and the squatter families often went to jail on bogus charges. I regret to say I never joined in any of these Antifa Marches. In late 2018 Isaiah P. Kamatstein introduced my sister to Uri Adiah, at some point I wrote a very nasty letter to Isaiah P. Kamatstein in April, 2019 telling him how much I hated him for all of this. I was not invited to the Wedding, in all honesty I did not care. I look back at this time and I am filled with shame, anger and self-hate. So back to the aftermath of May 27, 2019 . . .

My Sister did not come back home to the apartment that me and her had just moved into. She said she would be back by 7:00 P.M and this was not what happened because my sister always kept her word with me. I was going to go to the movie theater near my in the plaza until she was ready to bus it back with me. At 9:30 P.M I went to the Cosmopolitan Jewish Reconstructionalist Community of Phoenix Arizona to let her know that I was going to go to the movie theater near my in the plaza until she was ready to bus it back with me. When I got to that plaza, the Synagogue did not exist.
I saw Jared 88 and I do not think he saw me, I got the fuck away from there, I refuse to be the property of that Fascist again. My heart was pounding even half way getting back to our apartment.
The next morning the landlady told me that I was evicted. I asked why, the first month's rent was not even due. My landlady told me that she does not want to get mixed up in the affairs of Arizona's snuff film business. I realized that like so many others in Arizona she knew about Midnight Productions.
A month later none of my identification papers could be authenticated.
Every time I am out in public places I have to avoid being seen by Cops.
I know so much more than I did, I have learned a lot about Anarcho Sydnicalism and Black Flag Anarchism. I have even helped to establish the new Philosophy of the Arizona Rebellion.
But I will not be staying in Arizona, I have changed my appearance a bit, and in three years no one will recognize me as I was a week ago.


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Arizona Rebellion

By - Arizona Syndical Boy.

The AZ Anarcho Punk Bloc is finally dissolved, they could not replace the Anarcho Syndical Family.
Ever since October 2, 2019 some of the remnants of the Anarcho Syndical Family along with Black Flag rebels have combined resources to rent out a House in Glendale, Arizona. Together we have formed the Arizona Rebellion. Some of our Comrades are setting up the L.A Underground too.
For now we have Internet. We are starting this blog in hopes of providing information that can be of help to all the squatters who are seeking a way to combat Midnight Productions.
We will continue to work with Marxist-Leninist-Maoist militias under the Maoist Street Code this is the basic code that protects us all. We will pass this blog on, until the correct inheritor decides to take up the task of spreading the message, that is unless we are closed down to soon. 

We leave the readers with a piece from Rudolf Rocker's Book . . .

Anarcho-syndicalism: Theory and Practice

Chapter 1. Anarchism: Its Aims and Purposes

. . .

Anarchist ideas are to be found in every period of known history, although there still remains a good deal of work for historical work in this field. We encounter them in the Chinese sage, Lao-Tse (The Course and The Right Way) and in the later Greek philosophers, the Hedonists and Cynics and other advocates of so-called “natural right,” and in particular in Zeno who, at the opposite pole from Plato, founded the Stoic school. They found expression in the teaching of the Gnostic, Karpocrates, in Alexandria, and had an unmistakable influence on certain Christian sects of the Middle Ages in France, Germany and Holland, almost all of which fell victims to the most savage persecutions. In the history of the Bohemian reformation they found a powerful champion in Peter Chelcicky, who in his work, “The Net of Faith,” passed the same judgement on the church and the state as Tolstoy did later. Among the great humanists there was Rabelais, who in his description of the happy Abbey of Thélème (Gargantua) presented a picture of life freed from all authoritarian restraints. Of other pioneers of libertarian thinking we will mention here only La Boétie, Sylvan Maréchal, and, above all, Diderot, in whose voluminous writings one finds thickly strewn the utterances of a truly great mind which had rid itself of every authoritarian prejudice.

. . .

Happy New Year. Returning to the roaring 20's. 


 By Ascendance   No one knows just how hard it is to fight for the right reasons. Some of us have found this fight to be the only answer. Se...